magistrsko delo
V nalogi so obravnavane poglavitne človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, njihov razvoj in dokumenti, ki jih opredeljujejo, ter vrednote, ki jih ščitijo. Človekove pravice so polno uveljavitev dosegle šele z vnosom v ustave. Na obseg uveljavljenih pravic in njihovo uresničevanje odločilno vpliva družbena ureditev (demokratična ali nedemokratična). V polpretekli zgodovini so se s pojavom nacizma in fašizma drastično kršile človekove pravice, kar velja tudi za bivšo skupno državo (obdobje od leta 1945 do 1990). Stvar institucij pravosodja je varstvo človekovih pravic. Na mednarodni ravni konvencijsko urejanje človekovih pravic zagotavljajo OZN in druge organizacije, na regionalni ravni je v okviru Sveta Evrope pomembna Evropska konvencija o človekovih pravicah, za samo varstvo pa je pristojno Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice. Kot tranzicijska država nismo imuni na določene pomanjkljivosti sistema. Očitke, ki letijo na sodstvo, je mogoče demantirati z zadnje čase ugodno statistiko o storilnosti in zakonodajo, ki ureja odgovornost sodnika in predpisuje ukrepe zaradi sodnikove kršitve zakonodaje. V številnih zadevah je bila Slovenija obsojena zaradi množičnih kršitev človekovih pravic, v zadevah izbrisanih, varčevalcev Ljubljanske banke in zaradi prenatrpanosti slovenskih zaporov. ESČP v sodbah opozarja, da so kršitve pravic sistemske narave. Precejšnjo medijsko pozornost so povzročili tajkunski procesi, kot sta primera Istrabenz in Merkur. Pravi val ogorčenja javnosti je izzvala odločitev Vrhovnega sodišča RS, da se zaradi kršenja kazenske zakonodaje v zadevi varstva zakonitosti razveljavi obsodilne sodbe. Celo izven meja je kot ena največjih političnih afer pri nas odmevala zadeva Patria, sodba zoper Janeza Janšo in druge. Ustavno sodišče RS je v tej zadevi pravnomočne obsodilne sodbe rednih sodišč zaradi kršitve človekovih pravic razveljavilo.
sodišče;odgovornost sodnika;izbrisani;zadeva Patria;primer Istrabenz;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica |
Publisher: |
[I. Urbančič] |
UDC: |
342.7(043.2) |
Views: |
4098 |
Downloads: |
212 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
This thesis focuses on essential human rights and fundamental freedoms, their development, and documents that define them and values that foster them. The full establishment of human rights was not achieved until they became enshrined in national constitutions. The scope and exercise of established rights are decisively determined by the relevant social system (democratic or undemocratic). In the not-so-distant history, human rights were drastically violated during Nazism and Fascism, while violations of human rights were also common in the former Yugoslavia (in the 1945 to 1990 period). The protection of human rights is a matter of justice. Atthe international level, the regulation of human rights by way of conventions is provided by the UN and other organizations; at the regional level, the European Convention on Human Rights within the framework of the Council of Europe is relevant, while the protection of human rights itself falls within the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). As a transition country, Slovenia is not immune to certain deficiencies in the system. The criticism addressed towards the judiciary can be refuted by favourable performance statistics recorded recently and by legislation governing the responsibility of a judge and laying down actions to be taken against a judge for breaching legislation. Slovenia has been convicted of mass violations of human rights in a number of cases, including the "erased" case and the Ljubljanska banka savers case, and also on account of its overcrowded prisons. In its judgements, the ECHR has noted that these violations of human rights are systemic in nature. Substantial media attention was aroused by the so-called "tycoon trials", such as the Istrabenz in Merkur cases. A real wave of public outrage was sparked when the Slovenian Supreme Court, in deciding on a request for the protection of legality, decided to revoke the judgements of conviction given in those cases. One of Slovenia's greatest political scandals was the Patria case involving a criminal trial against the opposition leader, Janez Janša, and several other persons, which also received international attention. Therespective final judgements of conviction passed by ordinary courts of law were subsequently revoked by the Slovenian Constitutional Court on grounds of violation of human rights. |
Secondary keywords: |
Človekove pravice;Magistrske naloge;Varovanje; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Evropska pravna fak. |
Source comment: |
Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: |
X, 149 str. |
ID: |
10950008 |