diplomsko delo
Nuša Lašič (Author), Marta Bon (Reviewer), Tine Sattler (Mentor), Marko Zadražnik (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo analizirali pridobljene podatke meritev regijskih odbojkarskih reprezentanc dečkov in deklic. Meritve smo izvedli februarja 2017 na turnirju v Kranju. Uporabili smo naslednje teste: telesna višina, dosežna višina, telesna teža, višina odriva po Sergentu, doskočna višina z zaletom, doskočna višina v bloku, predklon na klopci in met medicinke soročno sede. Vzorec je zavzemal 76 dečkov in 82 deklic. Zanimale so nas njihove telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti v celotni generaciji in glede na igralno specializacijo. Podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo statističnega paketa SPSS. Dobljene rezultate smo predstavili s tabelami in jih dopolnili z ugotovitvami. Pri dečkih smo ugotovili, da imajo podobne dolžinske razsežnosti blokerji, korektorji in napadalci–sprejemalci. Pri testih vertikalne višine odriva, višine odriva z zaletom in dosežne višine v bloku prevladujejo napadalci–sprejemalci. Pri deklicah so pri izmerjenih dolžinskih razsežnostih v ospredju blokerke in korektorke. Pri testih vertikalne višine odriva, višine odriva z zaletom in dosežne višine v bloku imajo najboljše rezultate blokerke. Igralke, ki igrajo na mestu libera, pa so bile najboljše pri testu gibljivosti trupa. Na podlagi analiziranih podatkov bi lahko podali sklep, da pri mladih odbojkarjih z vidika rezultatske uspešnosti dolžinske razsežnosti niso najpomembnejše. Bolj pomembne so gibalne sposobnosti. Med pomembnejše dejavnike uspeha spadata eksplozivna moč rok in nog. V tej starostni kategoriji pa so pomembni tudi tehnika, taktika, borbenost in uigranost ekipe.


šport;odbojka;telesne značilnosti;gibalne sposobnosti;mladi;igralne specializacija;regijske reprezentance;fantje;dekleta;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [N. Lašič]
UDC: 796.325-053.6
COBISS: 5381809 Link will open in a new window
Views: 946
Downloads: 422
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of selected physical characteristics and motor skills of 14 and 15 years old Slovene prospective volleyball players
Secondary abstract: The thesis is comprised by the analysis of information gathered from the measuring of male and female players of regional volleyball teams. The measuring has taken place on a tournament in Kranj in February 2017. The following tests have been adopted: body height, reaching height, body weight, jump height according to Sargent, reaching approach height, reaching blocking height, bend on the bench and throw of a medicine ball with both hands from a sitting position. 76 boys and 82 girls have taken part in the test. The focus was on their physical characteristics and motor skills in the whole generation and based on their playing specialization. The information has been analysed with the SPSS statistics system. The results have been placed into charts and completed with the findings. The test shows similarities in length parameters of boys with positions as blockers, setters and hitters/receivers. The last ones dominate the vertical jump height, approach jump height and reaching blocking height tests. Blockers and setters are better in length parameters as far as girls are concerned. Blockers achieved the best results during vertical jump height, approach jump height and reaching blocking height tests. The players set as “liberos” have scored the most points in body mobility tests. Based on the analysed information it could be concluded that length parameters have limited relevance regarding result success for young male players. Motor skills are more relevant. The most important ones are hands and legs explosive power. Skills, tactics, competitiveness and team cohesion are essential in this age category.
Secondary keywords: volleyball;physical characteristics;motor skills;regional teams;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10950246