diplomsko delo
Laura Klemenčič (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Diplomacija je eno izmed najpomembnejših sredstev zunanje politike. Gre za uresničevanje ciljev in izvrševanje sprejetih odločitev na miren način. Z izrazom diplomacija lahko razumemo delovanje diplomatskih misij in tudi delovanje konzularnih predstavništev. Diplomatske misije vodijo diplomati, medtem ko konzulate vodijo konzuli. Funkcije diplomatov in konzulov se razlikujejo, vseeno pa lahko najdemo določene podobnosti. Glavna tehnika diplomacije so pogajanja. Pogajanja so zlasti pomembna za majhne države, saj te razpolagajo le z argumenti, lastnim pogajalskim znanjem in spretnostjo. Diplomacija je še zlasti pomembna za majhne države, saj te zaradi majhne moči,s katero razpolagajo, potrebujejo učinkovito diplomacijo bolj kot druge države. K učinkoviti diplomaciji majhne države pripomorejo dobro razvito ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve ter visoko usposobljen strokoven kader. Za majhne države je boljše, da imajo manj veleposlaništev, vendar ta kvalitetna in dobro usposobljena. Države vzpostavljajo mreže diplomatskih in konzularnih predstavništev, da zagotovijo stalno prisotnost predstavnikov države pošiljateljice pri državah sprejemnicah ter stalno zagotavljanje stikov z njimi in informacijah o njih. Konvenciji, ki predstavljata okvir za delovanje organizacij in misij, sta Dunajska konvencija o diplomatskih odnosih in Dunajska konvencija o konzularnih odnosih. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati, kaj sploh je diplomacija in katere diplomatske in konzularne funkcije poznamo ter zakaj so te tako pomembne za državo in prikazati, zakaj je diplomacija še zlasti pomembna za majhne države.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [L. Klemenčič]
UDC: 341.7(043.2)
COBISS: 2053176246 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2806
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Diplomacy is one of the most important acts of foreign policy. Diplomacy is about achieving goals and implementing accepted decisions in a calm way. Under the term diplomacy, we can understand the functioning of diplomatic missions as well as the functioning of consular missions. Diplomatic missions are ledby diplomats, while consulates are led by consuls. The functions of diplomats and consuls are different, but we can find certain similarities. The main diplomatic technique is negotiations. Negotiations are particularly important for small countries because their main weapons are arguments and their own negotiation skills. Diplomacy is especially important for small countries because they have low power. They need more effective diplomacy because of that in comparison to all the other countries that are bigger. A well-developed Ministry of Foreign Affairs and highly qualified professional staff contribute to the effective diplomacy of small countries. It is better for smaller countries to have fewer embassies. However, these should be of good quality and well qualified. Countries are establishing a network of diplomatic and consular missions to ensure the continued presence of representatives of the sending country in the receiving country. Conventions which constitute a framework for the operation of organizations and diplomatic and consular missions are Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations and Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. The main purpose of this diploma thesis is to show what diplomacy is, whose diplomatic and consular functions we know, why they are so important for the country and why diplomacy is especially important for small countries.
Secondary keywords: Diplomacija;Diplomske naloge;Konzularno pravo;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V, 50 str.
ID: 10950351
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