magistrsko delo
Sara Pavšič (Author), Bojan Grum (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava podaljšano bivanje mladih pri starših in kako starši to doživljajo in občutijo. Poudarek je na tem, kako to vpliva na starše. Predstavljena je stanovanjska politika in možnosti financiranja ter ukrepi države, ki so ponujeni mladim. Vse več mladih ostaja dalj časa pri svojih starših. Razlogi za to so različni, vendar se ti med seboj prepletajo in povezujejo. Podaljšano bivanje pri starših na eni strani omogoča udobje in prinaša določene ugodnosti, po drugi pa je posledica gospodarske krize, v kateri so se znašli mladi. Vse več mladih je brezposelnih in težje dobijo redno zaposlitev, kar je eden izmed razlogov za kreditno nesposobnost in podaljševanje izobraževanja. Tudi trg nepremičnin je za mlade postal težko dostopen in na njem težko sodelujejo oziroma so v slabšem položaju. Mladi so postala ranljiva družbena skupina na vseh področjih in zato bi jim bilo smiselno nameniti več pozornosti. Mladim postaja odhod od doma vse bolj otežen, kar prinaša negativne posledice, kot so odlaganje s samostojnostjo in neodvisnostjo ter upad nastajanja lastnih družin in rodnosti. Odnosi med starši in otroki postajajo vse bolj prijateljski in demokratični, zaradi česar se zgublja starševska avtoriteta. Podaljšano bivanje mladih pri svojih starših postaja vse bolj skrb vzbujajoče. Vpliva tako na mlade kot na njihove starše. Z raziskavo, ki je bila izvedena s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in je bil namenjen samo staršem, katerih odrasli otroci še bivajo pri njih, se je ugotavljal vpliv podaljšanega sobivanja na starše in kako ga dejansko doživljajo, kakšen je odnos med njimi itd. Ugotovilo se je, da si anketirani starši želijo, da se njihovi otroci, ki še bivajo pri njih, odselijo in osamosvojijo. Večina jih meni, da imajo kljub sobivanju dovolj zasebnosti. Do konfliktov med njimi in njihovimi otroki, ki še bivajo z njimi, le redkokdaj prihaja, ko pa do njih pride, sta glavna razloga le-teh gospodinjska opravila ter nadzor in avtoriteta staršev ali otrok. Kljub prijateljskemu odnosu, ki ga imajo, so anketirani starši v večini navedli, da imajo še vedno avtoriteto nad njimi, čeprav samo delno. Vzroki, zakaj odrasli otroci ostajajo v domu staršev dlje časa so različni. Kot glavne razloge so navedli študij in finančna odvisnost ter udobje doma staršev in finančno odvisnost otrok od njih. Menijo tudi, da se država s stanovanjsko problematiko mladih ne ukvarja in da ni mladim prijazna.


podaljšano bivanje pri starših;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [S. Pavšič]
UDC: 351.778.5:173.5/.7(043.2)
COBISS: 2053184950 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: More and more young people remains for a long time with their parents. The reasons for this are of course different, but they intertwine and connect. Extended stay with their parents on the one hand provides comfort and brings certain advantages, on the other hand is the result of the economic crisis, in which young people find themselves. More young people are unemployed and more difficult is to get a regular job, which is one of the reasons for the inability of credit and extension education. Even the real estate market for young people has become difficult to access and difficult to participate in. Young people have become vulnerable social group in all areas and should therefore reasonable to pay more attention to young people. Young people become departure from home more and more difficult, which also brings negative consequences, such as the disposal of the autonomy and independence and for the loss of their own families and fertility. Relations between parents and children are becoming more friendly and democratic, thus losing parental authority. Extended stay young with their parents is becoming increasingly alarming. It affects both the young and their parents. The survey, which was conducted through a questionnaire which was intended only for parents whose adult children still live with them, it was examined the impact of the prolonged coexistence of parents and how they actually experience, what is the relationship between them, etc. It was found that the surveyed parents want their children to continue staying with them, move away and become independent. A majority also believes that despite the coexistence of privacy. Conflicts between them and their children who are staying with them, seldom coming, but when they occur, are the main reason these household chores and supervision and authority of parents or children. Despite the friendly relationship they have, they interviewed parents in the majority indicated that they still have authority over them, but only partially. The reasons why adult children remain in the parental home a long time are different. The main reasons are mentioned studies and financial dependence and the comforts of home and parents' financial dependency of children from them. They also believe that the state with the housing of young people are not engaged and that it is not youth-friendly.
Secondary keywords: Stanovanjska politika;Magistrske naloge;Družinski odnosi;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VII, 101 str.
ID: 10950733