magistrsko delo
Nina Hinić (Author), Erna Žgur (Mentor)


Naloge, v katerih se uporabljajo čutila, so poseben izziv za otroke, ker zahtevajo vzdrževanje koncentracije na lastnih čutilih in večjo ozaveščenost o posameznem čutilu. Pri tem ima veliko vlogo senzorna integracija, s pomočjo katere možgani predelajo čutilne dražljaje in jim dajo pomen. Čutila, še posebej vid in tip pri mlajših otrocih, lahko razvijamo skozi igro, ob kateri se otrok zabava, uči in spoznava svet, ki ga obkroža. Otrok pri igri uporablja različne didaktične igrače, ena izmed igrač je tudi tipna knjiga, ki na zabaven način spodbuja otroka k učenju različnih spretnosti, zlasti finomotoričnih. Izvedena je bila študija primera z dve leti in deset mesecev staro deklico z Apertovim sindromom. Gre za redko genetsko motnjo, ki zaradi izkrivljenih kosti lobanje, ki povzroča senzorne težave, težave z vidom, sluhom in dihanjem, in zraščenih prstov na rokah in nogah omejuje otroka pri gibanju. Predvsem pa povzroča finomotorične primanjkljaje, ki sem jih ocenila kot manj razvite glede na dekličino kronološko starost in se ne skladajo s spoznanji o razvoju fine motorike, ki sem jih opisala v teoretičnem delu. Namen raziskave je bil izdelati individualizirano tipno knjigo, jo preizkusiti, opazovati dekličin odziv in napredek na področju fine motorike ter analizirati vpliv knjige na njeno vključevanje v predpisani predšolski kurikulum. Izvedenih je bilo 27 individualnih obravnav, na katerih je deklica preizkusila in izvedla različne didaktično-igralne naloge iz tipne knjige, ki zajema deset strani. Rezultati trimesečnega dela z deklico so pokazali njen napredek pri usvajanju posameznih vsebin predšolskega kurikuluma s prilagojenim programom. Napredek je opazen pri večji gibljivosti, spretnosti in natančnosti pri prijemanju predmetov, spretnejšem pincetnem prijemu in boljši koordinaciji oko–roka in roka–roka. Napredek je bil opazen tudi pri njeni samostojnosti pri večini dnevnih opravil (npr. oblačenje, hranjenje ...). Interpretacijo dobljenih rezultatov sem podkrepila z neposrednim opazovanjem in s pogovorom z dekličino specialno pedagoginjo. S pomočjo dobljenih rezultatov sem izdelala smernice za izdelavo nove tipne knjige in smernice za usmerjeno finomotorično igro, s katero razvijamo finomotorične spretnosti otrok z Apertovim sindromom. Omenjene smernice so uporabne tudi pri otrocih z različnimi težavami s fino motoriko.


fina motorika;senzorna integracija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Hinić]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 12077385 Link will open in a new window
Views: 537
Downloads: 117
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of a tactile book as a didactic toy for children with Apert syndrome
Secondary abstract: Tasks, where senses are used, represent a special challenge for children, because they demand maintaining the concentration, based on their own senses, and bigger awareness about certain sense. A sensory integration plays an important part here, since with its help the brain reshapes sensory stimuli and gives them meaning. Senses, especially sight and touch in young children, can be developed through play, where the child is having fun, learns and gets to know the world, which surrounds him. When playing the child uses various didactic games, one such toy is also a touch book, which in a fun way stimulates the child to learn different skills, especially fine motor skills. We carried out a case study with a girl of two-and-a-half years with Apert syndrome. This is a rare genetic disturbance, which due to the distorted skull bones causes sensory difficulties, difficulties with sight, hearing and breathing, and due to fused fingers and toes hinders child’s movements. Above all it also causes deficiencies in fine motor skills in young children, which I assessed as less developed regarding the girl’s chronological age, and they also aren’t consistent with the knowledge about the development of fine motor skills, which were described in the theoretical part. The purpose of the research was to create an individualized touch book, test it, observe the girl’s reaction and progress in the area of fine motor skills and analyse the influence of the book on her inclusion in the prescribed pre-school curriculum. 27 individual trials were carried out, where the girl tried and performed different didactical-playing tasks from the touch book with ten pages. The results of the three months work with the girl have shown her progress with adopting the contents of the pre-school curriculum with adapted program. The progress is seen in better movability, skills and accuracy when holding the objects, more skilful tweezer grip and better coordination eye–hand and hand–hand. The progress is also seen in her independence when it comes to most daily routines (e. g. dressing, eating …). The interpretation of the acquired results have been corroborated with the direct observation and with the conversation with the girl’s specialized pedagogue. With the help of the acquired results I formed the guidelines for creating a new touch book and guidelines for a directed game for fine motor skills, with which we develop the fine motor skills in children with Apert syndrome. The mentioned guidelines are also useful for children with different difficulties with fine motor skills.
Secondary keywords: backward child;educational game;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;didaktična igra;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Pages: 105 f.
ID: 10950786
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