magistrsko delo
Erazem Bohinc (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Mehanizem začasne uporabe mednarodnih pogodb je del DKMP, ki mednarodnim pogodbam omogoča njihovo uporabo, še preden bi stopile v veljavo. Natančneje, mehanizem omogoča, da mednarodna pogodba postane zavezujoča, še preden bi bila ratificirana. KMP je začasno uporabo mednarodnih pogodb uvrstila tudi v svoj program dela, kjer bo poskušala razjasniti pravne učinke in osvetliti njegovo pravno naravo. Nedavno je bil mehanizem začasne uporabe mednarodnih pogodb tudi osrednje vprašanje v razvpitem primeru Yukos proti Ruska Federacija, ki je pripeljal tudi do najvišje dosojene odškodnine v arbitražni odločbi v zgodovini. Mehanizem pa se vključuje tudi v vse več mednarodnih trgovinskih sporazumov med EU in državami, ki niso članice EU. V zvezi z mehanizmom se zato pojavlja vse več vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na njegovo razmerje do varstva ustavnega reda in pravic. Naloga se bo osredotočila na razvoj tega mehanizma skozi delo KMP in predstavila primere uporabe tako na mednarodnem nivoju, kot tudi na ozemlju Republike Slovenije.


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Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [E. Bohinc]
UDC: 341.24(043.2)
COBISS: 1024712561 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3232
Downloads: 167
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary abstract: PAT is a treaty mechanism of the VCLT which allows for a protracted entry into force of treaties. Specifically, it allows for a treaty to enter into force and become binding even before it would become ratified. ILC also included PAT in the programme of work to clarify legal effects and shed light on PATʼs juridical nature. Recently, PAT was the crucial legal question in notorious Yukos v. Russian Federation case which resulted in the largest arbitral award. It is also included in several EU trade agreements with non-EU States. All this poses several questions concerning relation of PAT in regard to constitutional protection of rights. The thesis will focus on the development of this mechanism through the work of the ILC and present examples of its use both internationally and in the Republic of Slovenia.
Secondary keywords: mednarodne pogodbe;ustavnopravno varstvo;Združeni narodi;Dunajska konvencija;Yukos;Slovenija;Evropska unija;magistrske naloge;bolonjski program;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V, 126, 36 f.
ID: 10951588