magistrsko delo
Mateja Židanek (Author), Milan Jazbec (Mentor), Stanislav Raščan (Thesis defence commission member)


Institut častnega konzularnega funkcionarja je v zadnjih nekaj letih doživel preobrat. Častni konzularni funkcionarji so v samih začetkih razvoja bili zgolj predstavniki trgovcev,danes pa predstavljajo eno najpomembnejših in najvidnejših funkcij v diplomatsko-konzularni mreži.Funkcija je sama po sebi izjemno privlačna za posameznike, predvsem zaradi blišča in časti, ki jo posamezniki z imenovanjem pridobijo, po drugi strani pa države stremijo k širjenju svoje konzularne mreže s ciljem po vse večji zastopanosti.Zastopanost po svetu država zagotavlja skozi svojo diplomatsko-konzularno mrežo. Dandanes je zastopanje države drago, še zlasti za male države kot je Republika Slovenija, saj predstavlja velik strošek.Častni konzularni funkcionarji svojo funkcijo opravljajo brezplačno, zato so zelo priročna rešitev v smeri krepitve diplomatsko-konzularne mreže.Častni konzularni funkcionarji so navadno državljani države sprejemnice, ki zastopajo državo pošiljateljico in njene državljane, zato je ureditev njihovega položaja in delovanja izjemno pomembna. Izbira in postopek izbire ustreznega kandidata za častnega konzularnega funkcionarja sta ključnega pomena. Jasna, zakonsko opredeljena merila in kriteriji postopka za izbiro kandidata so osnoven pogoj za izbiro primerne osebe, ki bo državi veliko pripomogla pri doseganju ciljev na mednarodnem področju. Dunajska konvencija o konzularnih odnosih (1963) je častnim konzularnim funkcionarjem namenila celotno III. poglavje, vendar se je treba zavedati, da je v času sprejema Dunajske konvencije o konzularnih odnosih glede instituta častnih konzularnih funkcionarjev prevladovalo stališče fakultativne narave. Danes, ko je mreža častnih konzularnih funkcionarjev v svetu vse bolj razširjena, bi bilo nedvomno smiselno razmisliti o posodobitvi oziroma dopolnitvi pravnih aktov na mednarodnopravni ravni.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [M. Židanek]
UDC: 341.8(043.2)
COBISS: 2053192374 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Častni konzuli Republike Slovenije v tujini
Secondary abstract: In the last few years, the institute of Honorary Consular Officer has undergone transition. Honorary consular officers were mere representatives of traders at the very beginnings of development, while today they represent one of most important and most visible functions in the diplomatic and consular network. The function itself is extremely appealing to individuals, especially due to the glamour and honour gained by individuals through their appointment. On the other hand, the states are striving to expand their consular network in order to achieve as high representation level as possible. The state ensures representation around the world through its diplomatic-consular network. Nowadays, state representation is expensive, in particular for small countries such as the Republic of Slovenia since it involves high expenses. Honorary consular officers perform their function free of charge and are a very convenient solution aimed at strengthening the diplomatic-consular network. Honorary consular officers are usually citizens of the receiving state representing the sending state and its citizens, therefore the arrangement of their position and operation is extremely important. The selection and the selection procedure for a suitable candidate for the post of honorary consular officer is crucial. Clear legally defined criteria and criteria for the procedure of selecting a candidate are a prerequisite for selecting an appropriate person who will significantly aid their home country in achieving its goals in the international area.The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963) dedicated the entire Chapter III to honorary consular officials, but we should be aware that, at the time the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations was adopted, the viewpoint of optional nature dominated regarding the institute of honorary consular officers. Today, when the network of honorary consular officers in the world is becoming increasingly widespread, it would undoubtedly be sensible to consider modernising and/or amending legal acts on the international legal level.
Secondary keywords: Diplomacija;Magistrske naloge;Konzularno pravo;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V, 105 str.
ID: 10951708