magistrsko delo
Alenka Bončina (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Na področju oboroženih spopadov se z razvojem civilizacije pojavljajo tudi novi pravni izzivi. Eden izmed tovrstnih aktualnih izzivov je uporabnost mednarodnega humanitarnega prava za primer zasebnih vojaških in varnostnih podjetij in njihovega osebja. S svojo vedno večjo prisotnostjo v mednarodnem prostoru in sodelovanjem z državami, so le ti povzročili pravno zmedo in dvom v zadostnost in ustreznost obstoječih pravil mednarodnega humanitarnega prava. V raziskovalnem delu je predstavljeno in utemeljeno, da so zasebna vojaška in varnostna podjetja dolžna spoštovati mednarodno humanitarno pravo. Zaključni sklep celotnega dela pravi, da ni mogoče zaključiti drugače, kot da kažejo vsa ugotovljena dejstva na to, da so dosedanja pravila mednarodnega humanitarnega prava zadostna in ustrezna tudi za primer zasebnih vojaških in varnostnih podjetij pod pogojem, da so vsi vpleteni z njimi ustrezno seznanjeni in da se jih ustrezno razlaga v skladu z napisanimi komentarji k posameznim pravilom Ženevskih konvencij in dodanim protokolom v katerih je podrobno opisan tudi izvor, namen in zgodovinski proces nastanka posameznih pravil. Pravila odrejajo dolžnost spoštovanja mednarodnega humanitarnega prava tudi za primer zasebnih vojaških in varnostnih podjetij in njihovega osebja ter določajo njihovo odgovornost. V delo je vključen tudi precedenčni primer sojenja osebju zasebnega varnostnega podjetja pred ameriškim sodnim organom iz leta 2017.


mednarodno pravo;Ženevska konvencija;zasebno varovanje;človekove pravice;magistrske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Bončina]
UDC: 341:342.7(043.2)
COBISS: 2053155510 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Armed conflicts have created new legal challenges by the development of civilization. One of this type of actual challenges is also applicability of the International Humanitarian Law to the private military and security companies and their personnel. Their growing presence internationally, and their cooperation with the state authorities, have caused legal confusion and doubt in sufficiency and conformity of the existing rules of the International Humanitarian Law. My research thesis introduces and makes grounds of the concept, that private military and security companies should respect, observe and follow the International Humanitarian Law. The result of my thesis proves it cannot be concluded differently, as the established facts prove that up-to-the-present provisions of the International Humanitarian Law are sufficient and applicable also to private military and security companies, providing that all the stakeholders are properly notified and that they are properly understood, in line with the comments to the individual provisions of the Geneva Conventions and additional Protocol, which provide detailed description of the origin, purpose and historical process of appearance of an individual rule. The rules determine an obligation of observance of the International Humanitarian Law also by private military and security companies and their personnel and further establish their liability. The thesis includes a precedence case of the trial against the personnel of the private security company before the US Court in 2017.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; magistrski študijski program Pravo II. stopnje;
Pages: VII, 104 str.
ID: 10951726
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