diplomsko delo
Lana Nastja Anžur (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


V pričujočem delu se soočamo s tematiko varstva kulturne dediščine in njenega umeščanja v mednarodnopravno sfero. Čeprav med pravnimi panogami varstvo kulturne dediščine ne zavzema tako vidnega položaja kot nekatere t. i. "klasične" panoge, denimo kazensko ali civilno pravo, to nikakor ne pomeni, da je področje nezanimivo oz., da ne more postavljati kompleksnih izzivov pri reševanju pravnih problemov. Prav tako sega ideja o varstvu in zaščiti objektov posebne kulturne vrednosti že daleč v zgodovino. Zavest o nujnosti takega ravnanja je izpričana že v starem Babilonu. To predstavljam v uvodnem, zgodovinskem delu naloge. A čeprav gre za takšno kontinuiteto, panogi ne moremo očitati zastarelosti. V zadnjih nekaj letih se je odločilno pokazala volja udeležencev mednarodnega prostora po napredku in inovacijah (pravnih) s sprejemom nekaterih takšnih ukrepov s strani mednarodnih organizacij. Eden od njih je v maju v Nikoziji sprejeta t. i. "Blood antiquities convention". Prav konvencije so kot osnovno orodje pri doseganju naprednih ciljev najpomembnejši dejavnik. Prav njim in organizacijam, ki so za njihovo kreacijo zaslužne, se posvečam v drugem delu. Zaobjete so vse mednarodne organizacije, ki imajo moč ustvarjanja zavezujočih dokumentov za države in organizacije, ki sicer nimajo takšnih sposobnosti, a so aktivno udeležene pri njihovem nastajanju. Predstavljam tudi telesa pod njihovim okriljem, ki sopovezana z udejanjanjem skupnih ciljev. Trenutno je na področju varstva kulturne dediščine ena od najbolj perečih tematik varstvo kulturnih dobrin v okviru oboroženih spopadov. V lanskem letu smo bili priča zgodovinskemu dogodku, ko je Mednarodno kazensko sodišče v Haagu prvič izdalo obsodilno sodbo v primeru Al Mahdi, s področja varstva kulturne dediščine. Šlo je za uničevanje kulturnih spomenikov v Maliju s strani terorističnih organizacij. Tej temi se posvečam v tretjem delu. Poskušam analizirati mehanizme, ki so trenutno na voljo, za uresničevanje varnostnih ukrepov v primerih oboroženih spopadov. Poskušam tudi postaviti razločevalno mejo med posameznimi uničenji. Ne gre enačiti primerov, ko do poškodovanja pride v smislu kolateralne škod in poškodovanja, ki je namerno, usmerjeno na določeno kulturno dobrino zaradi emotivne vrednosti, ki jo ta predstavlja določeni družbeni skupini. Delo zaključujem z analizo trenutnih možnost za reševanje problematik, ki se pojavljajo na področju kulturne dediščine in njihovimi mogočimi alternativami. Priznati je treba, da je področje prava kulturne dediščine nekoliko togo. Vzrok temu so na eni strani pomanjkanje primernih pravnih instrumentov za reševanje, na drugi pa nepripravljenost držav, ki velikokrat postavljajo nacionalni interes pred interes celotnega človeštva in tako odklanjajo sprejem konvencij in drugih aktov, ki bi področje lahko ustrezno uredili.


mednarodno pravo;kulturna dediščina;oboroženi spopadi;reševanje sporov;diplomske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [L. N. Anžur]
UDC: 341:338.483.13(043.2)
COBISS: 2053141430 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the following text we will be discussing the field of cultural heritage protection and it's placement in the sphere of international law. Even tough cultural heritage protection's placement is not as apparent as some of the "classical" legal fields, for instance criminal law's or civil law's, this does not necessarily mean that this area is uninteresting or, that it is unable to create complexlegal problems. Also, the idea of protection and preservation of objects of special cultural value is seen long back in history. Conciousness of the necessity of such actions has been noted already in ancient Babel. That topic is discussed in the first part, where I try to present the historical view of the mentioned area. Even tough the continuity is widely noted, the particular field can not be regarded as obsolete. Last few years has shown increased interest among participants of the international sphere, to take action and create (legal) development by obtaining particular measures. One of those is the newly obtained Nicosia Convention, known also as "Blood antiquities convention". Precisely convetions are the basic tool for achieving progress. This is why the secnond part of the text discusses them and the organisations which are deserved for their creation. The text analyses all of the international organisations which have the power to create binding documents for countries and organisations that do not posses such power, but are still able to intervene and influence the document's content. Furthermore, there are presented bodies that are under their supervision and can, in different ways help, to attain common goals. Currently the most discussed problem is the protection of cultural heritage during the armed conflicts. In last year we witnessed a historical moment, when International Court of Justice for the first time ever, held case of intentional damaging of cultural heritage and found guilty Al Mahdi, a member of terrorist group, who was responsible for the organisation of damaging acts.These events are discussed in third part of the text. Herebyis intended to analyse mechanisms that are currently available to supply protective measures in times of armed conflict. We also try to define the border between singular types of destruction. We cannot equalize the situations when destruction is a part of collateral damage, and destruction, that is done intently, with specific reasons to destroy object of certain emotional value for a individual group of people. In the last part we try to present the possibilities for solving the meticulous problems that accure in the area of cultural heritage protection. We have to admit that the field is stilla bit stiff. The reason is that on one side, there is lack of appropriate legal instruments for resolving problems, and on the other is the rejection of the states, who in many cases, put the interests of their own before the interests of the humanity as a whole, by declining to welcome conventions and other acts, that would have the ability to rightfully organise the area.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; univerzitetni študijski program Pravo I;
Pages: V, 46 str.
ID: 10951728