magistrsko delo
Dino Vran (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko prostega pretoka delovne sile v EU. Avtor je analiziral nastanek skupnega trga od ustanovitve Evropske skupnosti leta 1951, ki je s procesom širitve, razvoja in poglabljanja naredila velik korak pri oblikovanju skupnega trga in prostega pretoka delovne sile. Poleg prostega pretoka kapitala, blaga in svobodnega ustanavljanja podjetij, je prost pretok oseb ena izmed štirih glavnih svoboščin državljanov Evropske unije. Te svoboščine omogočajo državljanom EU, da si poiščejo zaposlitev kjerkoli na ozemlju Evropske unije. S širitvijo EU leta 2004 je bila R Slovenija, kljub omenjeni pravici do svobodne izbire države zaposlitve, soočena z omejitvami pri zaposlovanju v drugih državah članicah, saj so nekatere države članice uveljavljale tako imenovano prehodno obdobje, da bi zavarovale svoj trg pred prevelikim zaposlovanjem državljanov novih članic EU, ki je trajalo do 2011. Avtor na primeru Slovenije predstavi posamezna obdobja prehodnega obdobja in analizira potek zaposlovanja v tem času. Avtor v magistrskem delu predstavi, kako se je razvil skupni trg in kako se uresničuje svoboda do prostega pretoka oseb na tem skupnem trgu. Ugotavlja ali je za konkurenčnost EU pomembno, da se zviša stopnja izobrazbe delovne sile. Raziskuje ali se iskalci zaposlitve pri izvajanju pravice do prostega pretoka delovne sile, srečujejo s težavami v praksi, ki jim otežujejo ali celo preprečujejo, da bi dosegli zasledovano zaposlitev v drugi državi članici. Ugotavlja tudi, ali in kako se je z ustanovitvijo skupnega EU prostora in s tem v zvezi prostega pretoka delovne sile povečalo število migracij znotraj EU, še zlasti po letu 2008 ob začetku gospodarske krize, ter kako poteka tok migracij danes.


delovna sila;prosti pretok;omejevanje gibanja;prepoved gibanja;zaposlovanje;trg delovne sile;migracije;Evropska unija;magistrske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [D. Vran]
UDC: 331.55 EU(043.2)
COBISS: 1024710513 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the topic of free movement of labor within the EU. The author has analyzed the formation of the common market since the establishment of the European Community in 1951, which has with the process of enlargement, development and deepening took a major step towards creating a common market and free movement of labor. In addition to the free movement of capital, goods and the freedom of establishment of companies, the free movement of persons is one of the four main liberties of citizens of the European Union. These liberties allow EU citizens to seek employment anywhere within the European Union. With the enlargement of the EU in 2004 was Slovenia, despite the aforementioned right to choose the country of employment, faced with restrictions on the employment in other Member States, since some Member States have invoked the so-called transition period in order to protect its market against excessive employment of new EU member states, which lasted until 2011. Author has introduced, on the case of Slovenia, each period of the transitional period and analyzed the course of employment during that time. The author of the thesis discusses how the common market has developed and how the liberty of the free movement of persons in the common market is being exercised. He also notes whether, for the competitiveness of the EU, is important to raise the level of education of the workforce. Also author is exploring whether job seekers, when exercising their liberty of free movement of persons, are facing any difficulties in practice which make it more difficult, or even prevent them to achieve the pursued employment in another Member State. Author also notes whether and how the establishment of a common EU area and in this respect the free movement of labor increases the number of migrations within the EU, especially after 2008 when economic crisis took place, and how the flow of migrations looks nowadays.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: IX, 130 f.
ID: 10951742