primerjalno-pravni vidik
Danaja Vidmar (Author), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na primerjavo ureditve smrtne kazni v Združenih državah Amerike in državah na evropski celini. Prikazala sem primerjavo modernih demokratičnih držav, ki pa se bistveno razlikujejo v kaznovalnih politikah, predvsem glede smrtne kazni. Evropske države nastopajo odločno abolicionistično, medtem ko je v Združenih državah Amerike smrtna kazen še vedno del zakonodaje večine zveznih držav. Predstavila sem tudi primer Kitajske, ki zavzema sam vrh, kar se tiče izvršitev smrtnih kazni. Zanimale so me geneze smrtne kazni za obe celini, kateri so tisti dejavniki, zaradi katerih je v Evropi smrtna kazen že skoraj povsod odpravljena, ter zgodovinski okvir smrtne kazni v ZDA. V delu sem opisala metode usmrtitve, ki se še danes uporabljajo v Združenih državah Amerike, in proučila problem, ki ga sama usmrtitev predstavlja tako z vidika človekovih pravic kot tudi z vidika izvršitve odvzema življenja. Mnenja o smrtni kazni so v današnjem času še vedno precej deljena. Vse manj je utemeljenih argumentov zagovornikov smrtne kazni, abolicionizem pa postaja že skoraj vsesplošen trend. Kljub temu je na področju smrtne kazni še ogromno za postoriti in dokler bo država institucionalno ubijala, bo vedno obstajala možnost, da lahko usmrtitev doleti tudi nedolžnega. Sodnih zmot namreč nikoli ne bo mogoče zagotovo preprečiti. Vprašanje smotrnosti smrtne kazni se še vedno pojavlja, kajti nemogoče je dokazati, da smrtna kazen zmanjšuje stopnjo kriminala oziroma vsaj ne bolj učinkovito kot druge oblike sankcij. S tem pa smrtna kazen izgubi tudi svoj glavni namen. Zgodovinsko gledano, so z razvojem družbe najhujše kazni postopoma nadomeščale milejše kazni, maščevanje je zamenjala bolj racionalna vladavina prava, kazni pa so začele dobivati tudi druge namene, kot na primer rehabilitacije storilca. Kaj torej najbolj arhaična oblika kaznovanja še dela v pravosodnih sistemih enih izmed najmodernejših držav?


smrtna kazen;usmrtvitve;abolicija;pravna zmota;Združene države Amerike;diplomske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [D. Vidmar]
UDC: 343.253:347.141(043.2)
COBISS: 2053166774 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Smrtna kazen - primerjalno-pravni vidik
Secondary abstract: The theasis focuses on comparing the capital punishment regime in the United States and the countries of Europe. It is a comparison of modern democratic countries, but they differ significantly in punitive policies, especially when it comes to the death penalty. European countries are decisively abolitionist, while in the United States, the death penalty is still a part of the legislation of most federal states. I will also present an example of China, which occupies the very top, regarding the execution of death sentences. We will also explore the genesis of death penalty in both continents, see which are the factors that have led to the death penalty being abolished almost everywhere in Europe, and the historical framework of the death penalty in the United States. We will look at the methods of execution in the United States that are still being used today and examin the problem that the execution itself represents, both from the perspective of human rights, and from the very aspect of the execution as taking someones live. Opinions on the death penalty are still quite divided today. There are less and less justified arguments for the defenders of the death penalty, and abolitionism is becoming an almost widespread trend. Nevertheless, in the area of the death penalty, there it is still enormous to do and as long as the states kills in the name of institucion, there is a chance an inocent man can get killed. Judicial errors can never be surely prevented. The question of the efficiency of the death penalty remains because it is impossible to assert that the death penalty actually reduces the crime rate, or at least not more effectively than other forms of punishment. By doing so, the death penalty also loses its main purpose. Historically, with the development of society, the worst punishments are gradually being replaced by milder penalties, revenge was replaced by a more rational rule of law, and penalties began to receive other purposes, such as rehabilitation of the perpetrator. So what is the most archaic form of punishment still doing in the judicial systems of one of the most modern countries?
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; univerzitetni študijski program Pravo I;
Pages: VII, 69 str.
ID: 10951776
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