magistrsko delo


Obnova kulturne dediščine je postala v zadnjih desetletjih pomembnejša zaradi potenciala za ekonomski razvoj, ugodnega vpliva na socialno in kulturno življenje, identiteto naroda in zaradi nenadomestljive zgodovinske vrednosti ter boljše izrabe prostora. Ustrezno obnovljene kulturno zgodovinske stavbe imajo večjo tržno vrednost in višajo vrednost okolici, opuščene pa povzročajo stroške in neugodne socialne posledice. V nalogi smo obravnavali propadajočo spodnjo pristavo gradu Šrajbarski turn, njeno zgodovino, lokacijo, njeno vrednost za lokalno skupnost in glede na to potencial za njeno revitalizacijo. Lastnike kulturne dediščine pri obnovah omejujejo kulturno varstveni predpisi, omejitve pri energetski obnovi, zakonska predkupna pravica, premajhne državne spodbude in lastna sredstva. Ključne omejitve v zvezi z obnovami dediščine so zapisane v Zakonu o varstvu kulturne dediščine, prostorskih aktih in odlokih. Javnih usmeritev in razpisov za sofinanciranje obnov je veliko, sredstva so majhna in težko dosegljiva lastnikom, ki so fizične osebe. Lastniki so dolžni ohranjati dediščino, s svojo lastnino ne smejo povzročati škode, vendar je težko po pravni poti doseči primerno vzdrževanje, če ti nimajo interesa in finančnih sredstev. Obstaja mnogo dobrih praks obnov, vendar so odvisne od številnih dejavnikov in okolja. Ti so mnogokrat težko prepoznavni, zato jih ni mogoče enostavno preslikati drugam. Primerne prakse, ki bi se jih lahko uporabilo v primeru pristave, so: sodelovanje z občino v zvezi z zagotavljanjem prostorov za društva, obnova s prostovoljnim delom in uporaba za poslovne prostore, obnova za stanovanja s strani stanovanjskih zadrug oz. kooperativ.


Šrajbarski turn;kulturna dediščina;revitalizacija kulturne dediščine;finančno načrtovanje;obnova;magistrske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [J. Kovačič]
UDC: 338.483.13:69.059.7(043.2)
COBISS: 2053169334 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Renovation of cultural heritage has become more important through past decades especially because of a potential for an economic development, a beneficent impact on social and cultural environment, the national identity and also because of irreplaceable historical value and better use of space. Appropriately renovated cultural and historical buildings have greater market value and increase the value of the environment, while on the other side abandoned buildings cause costs and some unfavourable social consequences. In this written assignment we discussed an abandoned lower manor house of the castle Šrajbarski turn, its history, the location, the value for the local community and the potential for its revitalization. Owners of the cultural heritage are restricted in the renovation process by the cultural protection regulations, restrictions on energy renovation, pre-emption right, insufficient national support and their own resources. The key restrictions regarding the renovation of the heritage are written in the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, spatial acts and ordinances. There are a lot of public directions and tenders for the co-funding of renovation, but the resources are small and difficultly accessible for the owners, who are natural persons. Owners are obliged to preserve their heritage, they are not allowed to wreak damage with their possession, but it is hard to find legal way to force them for an appropriate maintaining without their interest or financial resources. There are many good practices of renovation, but they depend on various factors and environment. Many of them are hardly recognizable, so their transformation is not simple. Appropriate practices that could be applied in the present case of manor house are: cooperation with the municipality in relation to the provision of premises for societies, the renovation with voluntarily work and usage for business premises, renovation for the new apartments with help by the building society or cooperative.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; magistrski študijski program Pravo in management nepremičnin II. stopnje;
Pages: VIII, 128 str.
ID: 10951808
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