diplomsko delo
Neža Čop (Author), Matej Avbelj (Mentor)


Sodišče EU ima izključno pristojnost za odločanje o veljavnosti in glede razlage pravnih aktov EU, ki jo izvaja preko postopka predhodnega odločanja. Gre za specifičen postopek sodelovanja sodišč držav članic EU s Sodiščem EU, ki omogoča ustvarjanje pravil prava EU in njegovo poenotenje. Slovenija je kot članica EU zavezana k spoštovanju evropskega prava, vsi organi oblasti v državi članici pa so dolžni evropsko pravo upoštevati. Postopek predhodnega odločanja je namenjen nacionalnim sodiščem, ki predložijo v predhodno odločanje Sodišču EU vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na razlage ali veljavnosti pravnih aktov EU. Sodišče EU odgovore poda s sodnimi odločbami, ki so zavezujoče za vse države članice. Bistvo diplomske naloge predstavlja določitev kriterijev dobre prakse postavitve predhodnega vprašanja, ki jih nacionalna sodišča predložijo Sodišču EU. Pregled slovenske sodne prakse postavitve predhodnega vprašanja v postopku predhodnega odločanja je namenjeno primerjavi s postavljenimi predhodnimi vprašanji Ustavnega sodišča RS, ki so še posebej predmet obravnave v diplomski nalogi, katere namen je podati oceno kakovosti predloženih predhodnih vprašanj Ustavnega sodišča RS glede na ugotovljene kriterije dobre prakse. Zastavljena teza, da Ustavno sodišče RS spada med tista sodišča, ki so do prava EU zadržana, je namenjena raziskovanju stališč Ustavnega sodišča RS do prava EU. Za opredelitev do teze so v diplomski nalogi določena merila, na podlagi katerih lahko govorimo o odprtosti oziroma zadržanosti ustavnih sodišč do prava EU in predstavljena različna praksa ustavnih sodišč držav članic EU glede postopanja v postopku predhodnega odločanja pred Sodiščem EU. Na podlagi analize sodne prakse Ustavnega sodišča, predvsem sklepa U-I-295/13-132, s katerim je Ustavno sodišče RS prvič začelo postopek predhodnega odločanja in tako vzpostavilo stik s Sodiščem EU, pa so opredeljena stališča slovenskega Ustavnega sodišča RS do prava EU, ki kažejo na eni strani odprtost Ustavnega sodišča do prava EU, po drugi strani pa so prisotni elementi previdnosti, iz katerih je mogoče razbrati zadržanost Ustavnega sodišča do sprejemanja prava EU. Diplomska naloga lahko pomaga tako študentom, ki si prizadevajo poznati pravila postopka predhodnega odločanja ali raziskujejo odnos Ustavnega sodišča do prava EU, kot slovenskim sodnikom, ki prakse postavitve vprašanja Sodišču EU niso vešči, kot je bilo že večkrat opozorjeno.


Sodišče Evropske unije;ustavna sodišča;predhodno odločanje;Evropska unija;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;bolonjski program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [N. Čop]
UDC: 342.565.2:061.1EU(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 2053175734 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Court of justice of the EU has the exclusive competence to decide on the validity and interpretation of EU legal acts, which is implemented through the preliminary ruling procedure. Slovenia as a member of the EU is committed to respect European law and all authorities in a member State have a duty to observe this law. The preliminary ruling procedure is intended for all national courts which refer to the Court of Justice of the EU with preliminary questions, which concern the interpretation of the validity of the EU legal acts. The Court of Justice of the EU delivers answers by means of judgments that are binding on all Member States. The essence of the thesis is to determine the criteria for good practice of setting up a preliminary question, which national courts submit to Court of Justice of the EU. An overview of the Slovenian case law on the setting of the preliminary question in the preliminary ruling procedure is used to compere the establish practice with the practice of the Constitutional Court of Republic of Slovenia, which is especially the subject of the examination in the diploma order. The goal of this diploma is also to give an assessment of the quality of the preliminary questions, raised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. The thesis that the constitutional court of republic of Slovenia falls among those courts, which are reserved to EU law, is intended to investigate the position of the constitutional court of the republic of Slovenia towards EU law. For the definition to the thesis, the diploma paper sets out the criteria on the basis of which we can talk about restraint of constitutional courts to EU law and the different practice of the constitutional courts of the EU member states, regarding the handing of the preliminary ruling procedure before the Court of justice of the EU is presented. Based on the analysis of the case-law of the constitutional court, in particular the resolution UI-295/13-132, by which the constitutional court of republic of Slovenia for the first time initiated a preliminary ruling procedure, thus establishing contact with the court of justice of the EU, the position of the constitutional court of the republic of Slovenia. On the one hand this shows the openness of the Slovenian constitutional court to European law, but on the other hand there are elements of prudence, from which it is possible to discern the constitutional court%s reluctance to adopt EU law. The diploma paper can serve students who seek to know the rules of the preliminary ruling procedure or investigate the relationship between the constitutional court of the republic of Slovenia and court of justice of the EU as well as Slovenian judges, who are not skilled in the practice of asking questions to the court of justice of the EU, as has been repeatedly pointed out.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; univerzitetni študijski program Pravo I;
Pages: V, 37 str.
ID: 10951839