magistrsko delo
Sankcioniranje kršitev pogodbenih obveznosti je v našem pravnem redu urejeno v Obligacijskem zakoniku(OZ). Pri kršitvi pogodbene obveznosti je pomembno, za katero pravno naravo oziroma vrsto kršitve gre. Razlikovanje med različnimi oblikami kršitev pogodbenih obveznosti je pomembno, ker so za posamezne vrste kršitev določeni različni pogoji. Po Obligacijskem zakoniku je tako ob kršitvi pogodbenih obveznosti bistvena njena umestitev v neizpolnitev ali nepravilno izpolnitev. Mogočih je več oblik nepravilne izpolnitve: izpolnitev z zamudo, izpolnitev s stvarnimi napakami, delna izpolnitev. Ena izmed oblik delne izpolnitve je tudi količinski manko. Analiza konkretnega primera prodaje zdravega jedra stečajnega dolžnika Granit, d.d., v stečaju pokaže, da gre pri količinskem pomanjkanju za svojevrstno in specifično pomanjkljivost ter da je treba razlikovati med kvalitativnim in kvantitativnim stanjem stvari ter da pojma stvarnih napak ni mogoče enačiti s pojmom delne neizpolnitve in s tem povezanim količinskim mankom, ki je ena izmed oblik delne neizpolnitve. Kupec ima obdelnine zmožnosti izpolnitve predmeta prodaje glede na splošna pravna pravila,določena v OZ, ter ob upoštevanju pravne teorije in sodne prakse slovenskih sodišč pravico izbire med neizpolnitvenimi in jamčevalnimi sankcijami. Sistem sankcij je tako kupcu oziroma upniku na voljo kot alternativa;z izbiro ene izmed sankcij si zagotovi pravno varstvo. Takšne pravice do izbire med neizpolnitvenimi in jamčevalnimi sankcijami pa kupec nima možnosti uveljavljati obdelnine možnosti izpolnitve predmeta prodaje stečajnega dolžnika v stečajnem postopku, saj je odgovornost stečajnega dolžnika za stvarne napake izključena na podlagi zakona. Pravno varstvo kupca v insolvenčnem postopku je glede na stroga določila ZFPPIPP glede izključitve odgovornosti stečajnega dolžnika za stvarne napake omejeno. Kupec v stečajnem postopku namreč nima nobenega pravnega varstva ob stvarnih napakah, zato posledično ne more izbirati med jamčevalnimi in neizpolnitvenimi zahtevki, kot to lahko stori upnik v običajnem obligacijskem razmerju, ko ne gre za stečajni postopek.
No keyword data available
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica |
Publisher: |
[M. Cimerman] |
UDC: |
347.736/.739(043.2) |
Views: |
1 |
Downloads: |
0 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
Slovenian legal system regulates sanctions for breaching contractual obligations with the Obligations Code (sl. "Obligacijski zakonik"). In case of violating a contractual obligation, we first need to take into consideration its legal nature or the type of infringement, because different conditions apply for individual types of infringement. According to the Obligations code in the event of a breach of contractual obligations, we can divide it into one of two groups: non-performance or part performance of the contract. Multiple forms of improper fulfilment are possible, for instance: fulfilment with delay, fulfilment with material defects or partial fulfilment. One of the forms of partial fulfilment is also quantity shortage. Based on the analysis we did on the example of bankrupt company Granit d.d. which sold its healthy business core, we found that quantity shortage is a much more complex problem and it should be necessary to distinguish between the qualitative and quantitative condition of things, as well that material defects cannot be equated with the term of partial fulfilment or quantity shortage. In relation to general legal rules laid down in the Obligations Code and in the light of legal theory and judicial practices of Slovenian courts, in case of partial inability to fulfil the subject of the sale, the buyer has the right to choose between non-enforcement or guarantee sanctions. The sanction system is thus available to the buyer or creditor as an alternative and provides legal protection by selecting one of the sanctions. The exception to this rule, when buyer cannot choose between the possibilities of non-enforcement or guarantee sanctions, applies to specific situations such as in the case of partial inability to fulfil the subject of sale of the bankruptcy debtor in the bankruptcy procedure, since the liability of the debtor for material defects is excluded based on the law. Buyer's legal protection in bankruptcy procedure is limited in accordance with the strict provisions of the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (sl. "ZFPPIPP") regarding the exclusion of the debtor's liability for material defects. In practice this means that in case of bankruptcy procedure, the buyer does not have any legal protection for material defects, which is why he cannot choose between guarantiesor non-fulfilment claims, as the creditor can do in a normal obligational relationship. |
Secondary keywords: |
Stečajno pravo;Magistrske naloge; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Evropska pravna fak. |
Source comment: |
Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: |
VII, 70 str. |
ID: |
10954393 |