diplomska naloga
Lorena Mihelač (Author), Janez Povh (Mentor)


Cilj diplomske naloge je ustvariti algoritem za ustvarjanje nove algoritmične kompozicije s pomočjo stohastičnega procesa, metode markovskih verig prvega in drugega reda ter programskega jezika Pure Data. Za podlago bosta uporabljeni dve MIDI-datoteki, avtorska skladba Etuda, prvi stavek iz Beethovnove Mondschein sonate ter pet glasbenih nizov. Pri ustvarjanju algoritmične kompozicije bosta preizkušena dva pristopa, in sicer samostojno računalniško generiranje algoritmične kompozicije ter interaktivno soustvarjanje algoritmične kompozicije, kar pomeni določeno poseganje avtorja v algoritem zaradi večje umetniške vrednosti ustvarjene skladbe. Namen uporabe teh dveh različnih pristopov je v tem, da se ugotovi, koliko je pridobljeni primerek algoritmične skladbe lep/sprejemljiv/dober in kateri primerek algoritmične kompozicije je bolj sprejemljiv in zanimiv: primerek, ki ga je ustvaril stroj – računalnik ali primerek, ki je posledica soustvarjanja (človek in stroj – računalnik).


algoritem;algoritmična kompozicija;markovske verige;Pure Data;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies
Publisher: [L. Mihelač]
UDC: 004.421:519.85:781.6(043.2)
COBISS: 2048360979 Link will open in a new window
Views: 117
Downloads: 20
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The aim of the diploma thesis is to create algorithm with Markov chains of first and second order and with use of the program Pure Data an algorithm, which will be the basis for composing an algorithmic composition. For his purpose, two MIDI files will be used, author's composition Etude and the first movement from Beethoven Mondschein sonata as five music sequences as well. The creating of the algorithmic composition will include two approaches, machine generated approach and interactive approach, which means the human involvement during the process of creating the algorithmic composition in order to apply a higher artistic value. These two approaches are used to find out the esthetic value of the algorithmic composition as also to find out which approach in creating algorithmic composition gives outcomes that are more valuable: machine created composition or machine created composition with the human involvement.
Secondary keywords: algorithm;algorithmic composition;Markov chains;Pure Data;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu
Source comment: Na ov.: Diplomska naloga : visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve stopnje;
Pages: 64 str., [19] f. pril
ID: 10954648