magistrsko delo


Svoboda izražanja je ena izmed bolj pomembnih človekovih pravic. Je predpogoj za univerzalno svobodo posameznika in temelj demokratične družbe. Svoboda izražanja je širši pojem, zajema svobodo izražanje misli, govora, javnega nastopanja, tiska ter drugih oblik javnega obveščanja in izražanja. Ena izmed priljubljenih oblik izražanja je tudi satira, ki že po svoji definiciji presega družbene meje, je zbadljiva, ostra in išče mejo do kje je še dopustna in sprejemljiva. Čeprav naj bi bila satira družbenokritična, šaljiva, ironična, je včasih tudi žaljiva, nemoralna, nespoštljiva in meji na sovražni govor. Kljub temu, da naj bi bila demokratična družba odprta za različna mnenja, se večkrat zgodi, da satira zaradi svoje neposrednosti sproža tudi nestrinjanja, kar dokazuje odmeven in šokanten napad na Charlie Hebdo, ki se je zgodil 7. januarja 2015.Napad je združil celotno Evropo, ves svet in na plano postavil številna vprašanja o svobodi izražanja, satiri, njenih omejitvah in vplivu na različne družbene skupine. Burni odzivi po celem svetu so pokazatelj, da je pravica do svobode izražanja še kako pomembna pravica v današnjem svetu in zahteva večjo pozornost, a hkrati tudi odgovornejše ravnanje. V magistrskem delu sem pregledala pravne temelje in sodno prakso svobode izražanja, sovražnega govora in satire, v nadaljevanju pa opisala časnik Charlie Hebdo, napad nanj, odzive sveta na pokol in gibanje "Je Suis Charlie".


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [Š. Ferlan]
UDC: 342.731/.732(043.2)
COBISS: 2053205686 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Freedom of expression is one of the most important human rights. It is a precondition for universal personal freedom and a basis of a democratic society. Freedom of expression is a broad concept that covers freedom of expressing thoughts, freedom of speech, freedom of public appearance, freedom of press and other forms of public communication and expression. A popular form of expression is also a satire, which by definition goes beyond social boundaries and is sharp and looks for the limit to which it is still permissible and acceptable. Although a satire should be critical to society, humorous and ironic, it is sometimes also inappropriate, offensive, immoral, disrespectful and may border on hate speech. Although a democratic society is supposed to be open to different opinions, it often happens that a satire, due to its straightforwardness, raises disagreements. A proof of it is a noted and shocking attack on Charlie Hebdo, which took place on 7 January 2015. The attack has joined entire Europe and the entire world. It has opened a number of issues on freedom of expression, satire, their limitations and their impact on different social groups. Turbulent responses around the world are an indication of how important the right to freedom of expression is today. It requires more attention, but also more responsibly. In this thesis, I have examined the legal foundation and the judicial practice on freedom of expression, hate speech and satire. Further on I have described the newspaper Charlie Hebdo, the attack on it, the world's responses to the massacre and 'Je suis Charlie' movement.
Secondary keywords: Svoboda govora;Magistrske naloge;Sovražni govor;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VIII, 152 str.
ID: 10954667