diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Jernej Gaberc (Author), Mojca Slemnik (Mentor), Irena Ban (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo prikazuje študijo korozijske hitrosti biokompatibilnih kovinskih materialov, super nerjavnega jekla AISI 316L in titanove zlitine Ti90Al6V4, z dodatkom agresivnih ionov v umetni slini. Vzorca teh dveh zlitin smo pri konstantni temperaturi, 37°C, imeli potopljene v umetno slino in druge medije, ki so vsebovali naraščajoče koncentracije fluoridnih in kloridnih ionov. Zadnji dve pripravljeni raztopini smo s HCl umerili na pH = 4,5, ker je to pH plaka. Meritve smo izvajali s pomočjo gravimetrične metode, predhodno pa smo jih pasivirali 24, 48, 72 in 96 ur. Rezultati kažejo, da so izgube mas pri obeh materialih v umetni slini in raztopinah, katerim smo dodali samo agresivne ione iz NaCl in NaF zelo majhne, saj se spreminjajo šele na petem decimalnem mestu. Njihove korozijske hitrosti so bile tudi posledično nizke. Večinoma te na začetku naraščajo, po določenem času pa zaradi nastanka zaščitne oksidne plasti na površini vzorcev padajo. Po dodatku HCl, kar je vplivalo na koncentracijo kloridnih ionov in spremembo pH na 4,5, je korozija titanove zlitine močno narasla. Korozijska hitrost je bila v primerjavi z ostalimi raztopinami neprimerljivo višja in tudi masa vzorca se je spreminjala že na tretjem decimalnem mestu. Korozijska hitrost nerjavnega jekla je v teh raztopinah tudi narasla, vendar manj kot za titanovo zlitino.


korozijska hitrost;gravimetrična metoda;biokompatibilne kovine;agresivni ioni;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [J. Gaberc]
UDC: 620.1/.2(043.2)
COBISS: 21961494 Link will open in a new window
Views: 585
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Corrosion rate of biocompatible metal materials with the addition of aggressive ions in artificial saliva
Secondary abstract: This work presents a study of the corrosion rate of biocompatible metallic materials, austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L and titanium alloy Ti90Al6V4, with the addition of aggressive ions in artificial saliva. The samples of these two alloys were immersed in artificial saliva and other media, containing increasing concentrations of fluoride and chloride ions, at a constant temperature of 37°C. The last two prepared solutions were calibrated with HCl to pH = 4,5, as this is the pH of the plaque. The measuerments were carried out using a gravimetric method and were pasivated for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The results show that the loss of mass of both materials in artificial saliva and solutions, to which only aggresive ions from NaCl and NaF were added, are very small, since the change is only visible on the fifth decimal place. Thus their corrosion rates are also low. They mostly grow in the early stages, but after a certain period of time, due to the formation of a protective oxide layer on the surface of the samples, they start to fall. After the addition of HCl, which affected the concentration of chloride ions and the change in pH to 4,5, the corrosion of the titanium alloy increased significantly. The corrosion rate was incomparably higher compared to other solutions, and the mass of the sample was already changing on the third decimal place. The corrosion rate of stainless steel in these solution has also grown, but compared to titanium alloys at very low values.
Secondary keywords: corrosion rate;gravimetric method;biocompatible metals;aggresive ions;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: VIII, 28 str.
ID: 10954754
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, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje