diplomska naloga
Anja Dular (Author), Biljana Mileva-Boshkoska (Mentor), Borut Rončević (Co-mentor)


Povezava fizičnega in virtualnega sveta je danes nekaj običajnega. Razvoj informacijskokomunikacijskih tehnologij ima v kibernetskem prostoru velik pomen tudi z varnostnega vidika, saj se le-ta s priklopom vsake nove naprave v omrežje zmanjšuje. Pojav interneta stvari število teh naprav enormno zvišuje, hkrati pa prinaša povsem nove dimenzije varnostnih tveganj. V diplomskem delu sem proučevala pojav interneta stvari v povezavi s kibernetskimi grožnjami. Koncept interneta stvari in področja, kjer se ta pojavlja, vključno s kritično infrastrukturo, tehnologijo in tudi varnostimi tveganji, sem opisala v teoretičnem delu, kjer sem se hkrati navezala tudi na sam pomen kibernetskega prostora in groženj v njem, tako z vidika storilcev kot tudi motivov, metod in tehnik. Teoretični del sem podkrepila z intervjuji strokovnjakov z raziskovanega področja, kjer sem ugotavljala, kateri kibernetski napadi v povezavi z internetom stvari se že pojavljajo v sedanjosti in kaj lahko pričakujemo z motivi, posledicami in razsežnostmi v prihodnosti ter kateri so in bodo tisti najučinkovitejši varnostni ukrepi.


internet stvari;IOT;kibernetska kriminaliteta;kibernetski terorizem;kibernetsko bojevanje;grožnje;napadi;kritina infrastruktura;kibernetska varnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies
Publisher: [A. Dular]
UDC: 004.056:004.738.5(043.2)
COBISS: 2048461587 Link will open in a new window
Views: 831
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The connection of the physical and the virtual world is now quite common. Development of information and communications technology has big impact on safety since it decreases with each new device connected to network. The phenomenon of the internet of things is increasing number of connected devices and bringing new dimensions of security risks. In my diploma work, I was researching internet of things in connection to security threats. In theoretical part of my work, I described internet of things, where it occurs, critical infrastructure, technology and security risks in terms of users, motives, methods and techniques. I backed up theory with interviews with experts on the field where I researched which cyber-attacks in connection to the internet of things are occurring today, what are threats in the future, and which security measures are the one we can take to prevent them.
Secondary keywords: internet of things;IOT;cybercrime;cyberterror;hacktivism;cyberwarfare;threats;attacks;critical infrastructures;cyber security;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu
Source comment: Na ov.: Diplomska naloga : univerzitetnega študijskega programa prve stopnje;
Pages: XV, 142 str.
ID: 10955011
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