diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Alen Navodnik (Author), Blaž Likozar (Mentor), Darja Pečar (Co-mentor), Damjan Lašič Jurković (Co-mentor)


V tem diplomskem delu smo testirali plazemski reaktor, natančneje plazemski reaktor z iskro. Na njem smo izvajali reakcijo suhega reforminga metana, kjer metan reagira z ogljikovim dioksidu in dobimo sintezni plin, ki ga sestavljata vodik in ogljikov monoksid. Reakcija pa se lahko preusmeri še do višjih ogljikovodikov ali do tekočih produktov, kot sta metanol in formaldehid. Namen dela je bil optimizacija procesa, ki je zajemala določitev ključnih parametrov (pretok plinov, razmerje reaktantov, moč plazme in temperatura zunanjega gretja) in njihovih vrednosti, ki bi zagotavljali najvišje presnove in selektivnosti. Uporabljali smo tudi katalizatorja in določali njun vpliv na potek procesa. S komercialnim katalizatorjem za suhi reforming (Ni/Al2O3) smo poskušali izboljšati presnovo in izkoristek produkov. S katalizatorjem za sintezno metanola (HiFuel) pa smo pridobljen sintezni plin poskušali pretvoriti v tekoče produkte. Rezultati kažejo, da dobimo najbolše rezultate pri: razmerju reaktantov CH4:CO2 = 40:60, manjših pretokih plinov, višji moči plazme in višji temperaturi zunanjega gretja. S katalizatorjem Ni/Al2O3 nismo dobili višjih presnov in izkoristkov produktov kot brez njega. S katalizatorjem HiFuel pa nam ni uspelo pridobit tekočih produktov.


plazemski reaktor;heterogena analiza;suhi reforming metana;pretvorba ogljikovega dioksida;reakcijska kinetika;tranjostna kemija;zelena kemija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Navodnik]
UDC: 547.211:661.715(043.2)
COBISS: 21953046 Link will open in a new window
Views: 775
Downloads: 53
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Application of plasma reactors for conversion of methane to higher hydrocarbons and synthetic gas
Secondary abstract: In this research we were testing plasma reactor. On spark plasma reactor we were performing dry reforming of methane, where methane reacts with carbon dioxide to form syngas, which is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Reaction can also lead to higher hydrocarbons and liquid products such as methanol and formaldehyde. Purpose of this research was optimization of the process, which included determination of key parameters (gas flow rate, ration of reactants, plasma power, temperature of external heating) and their values, which would provide the highest conversions and yields. We were also testing catalysts and determining their effect on the process. With commercial catalyst for dry reforming of methane (Ni/Al2O3) we were trying to increase the value of conversion of reactants and yields. With catalyst for synthesis of methanol (HiFuel) we were trying to convert sygas in liqiud fuels. Results show, that we get the best results at: reactant ratio CH4:CO2 = 40:60, lower gas flow rates, higher plasma power and higher temperature of external heating. With catalyst Ni/Al2O3 we didn't achieve higher conversion or yields as without it. With HiFuel catalys we didn't manage to get liquid products.
Secondary keywords: plasma reactor;heterogenous catalysis;dry reformiong of metane;carbon dioxide conversion;reaction kinetics;sustainable chemistry;green chemistry;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 38 str.
ID: 10955040