(diplomsko delo)


Starajoča populacija se vse pogosteje sooča z boleznimi, telesnimi disfunkcijami in subjektivnim dojemanjem ogroženosti lastne vrednosti. Ti pojavi lahko vodijo v starostnikove občutke osebne ranljivosti in ponižanja. Ranjeno dostojanstvo se dojema že ob manifestirajočem se nezadovoljstvu (ne)pomičnega starostnika, ki je nekoliko nesamostojen. Če se vživimo v nepomičnega posameznika, ki je odvisen od pomoči druge, morda celo neznane osebe, lahko opazimo še večjo potrtost. Mnogi nepomični starostniki zaradi nesamostojnosti in odvisnosti od pomoči končajo v socialno varstvenih zavodih, kjer se soočajo z občutki jeze, žalosti, osamljenosti in strahu, povrhu pa je percepcija kakovosti življenja močno nizka. V zaključnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodologijo raziskovanja, in sicer nestrukturirane intervjuje petih oseb, v starosti med 69 in 80 let. Podatke smo obdelali po metodi tematske analize. Analiza podatkov je razdeljena v tri glavne teme: Nemoč; Obup in Stiska. Ugotovili smo, da starostniki doživljajo velike čustvene pretrese ob izgubi mobilnosti. Nedostojanstveno zdravstveno nego starejše osebe dojemajo kot nevidnost, depersonalizacijo in objektivizacijo posameznika ter razčlovečen odnos zdravstvenega osebja. Politike socialnega varstva bi morale v svojih smotrih delovanja dajati večji pomen dostojanstvu življenja starostnikov, ne samo zagotavljanju dostojanstvene smrti.


dostojanstvena zdravstvena nega;dostojna oskrba;starostniki;dom starostnikov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [J. Celcer]
UDC: 364-5-053.9(043.2)
COBISS: 2435492 Link will open in a new window
Views: 739
Downloads: 161
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The experience of dignity in social welfare institutions
Secondary abstract: Senior and geriatric population has been due to rising life expectancy (in terms of degree and pace of ageing) confronted with challenges of new diseases, physical disfunctions, and consequently modified and declined perception of self-worth. Latter could be manifested onward in patients' self-percepted fragility, vulnerability, delicacy of health and humiliating experiences with health professionals. For better understanding of bedridden patient, medical personnel should empathise and comprehend despondency of the other side - care recipient, who is dependent on help. In social security offices geriatrics suffer from anger, dejection, sadness, sense of loneliness, fear, and therefore quality of life is declined. The qualitative methodology design with unstructured interviews of five respondents between 69 and 80 years was used. The thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Thematic analysis resulted in three main themes: Helplessness; Desperation; Emotional distress. We found out that older persons suffer from enourmous emotional distress during bedridden conditions. Undignified care has been percepted as invisibility, depersonalisation, objectivisation and dehumanisation approach of caregivers or medical personnel. Policy of social security and institutions of professionalisation should put more attention on importance of patient's dignity, not just dignified death.
Secondary keywords: dignity in the care;dignified healthcare;geriatric;nursing home;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 37 f., 1 f. pril.
ID: 10955392