delo diplomskega projekta
Anja Cvetko (Author), Vojko Potočan (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava povezavo poslovne etike in družbene odgovornosti, ki bosta osrednji področji delovanja sodobnih podjetij. V okviru tega bomo podrobneje preučili teoretična izhodišča za obravnavo etike, kako le te vpliva na družbeno odgovornost in na poslovanje podjetja na splošno. Osrednji namen naloge je preučiti kako lahko s poslovno etiko vplivamo na izboljšanje družbene odgovornosti delovanja podjetij. V ta namen bomo v praktičnem delu opravili analizo študije primerov izbranih podjetij za preučitev zastavljenih ciljev. Nalogo bomo zaključili z oblikovanjem možnih predlogov za izboljšanje družbene odgovornosti podjetij. Sodobna družba pričakujejo, da bodo podjetja sposobna z etičnimi odločitvami delovati ne samo za ustvarjanje dobička temveč, da bodo z svojimi dejanji delovala v dobro družbe in okolja. V nalogi smo ugotovili, da sta torej etičnost in družbena odgovornost ključni konkurenčni prednosti uspešnih podjetij. Še več, podjetja, ki tako delujejo imajo večji ugled v družbi ter so praviloma tudi finančno uspešnejša.


etika;poslovna etika;poslovna morala;družbena odgovornost;okoljska odgovornost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Cvetko]
UDC: 005.35:174
COBISS: 13161500 Link will open in a new window
Views: 607
Downloads: 117
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrole of business ethics in socially rensposible behavior in companies
Secondary abstract: The bachelor’s thesis deals with the connection of the business ethics and social responsibility which will be the central fields of the operations of the modern companies. Within the framework of this, we will study in more detail the theoretical starting points for the discussion about the ethics and how the ethics influences the social responsibility and the business conduct in general. The central purpose of the thesis is to study how we can influence the improvement of the social responsibility of the operations of the companies by the business ethics. Therefore, we will perform the analysis of the case studies of the selected companies in the practical part in order to study the set objectives. We will conclude the thesis by forming possible proposals for the improvement of the social responsibility of the companies. The modern society expects the companies to be competent to operate with ethical decisions not only in the direction of creating profits but also to perform such actions which are in the benefit of the society and the environment. In the thesis, we ascertained that the ethics and the social responsibility are the essential competitive advantages of the successful companies. Even more, the companies which operate in this manner are more respected in the society and are usually more successful also financially.
Secondary keywords: ethics;business ethics;social responsibility;moral;environmental responsibility;economic responsibility;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 45 str.
ID: 10955629
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