magistrsko delo


Zdi se, da v današnjih časih zaposlitev postaja vse bolj zahteven projekt, kar povečuje tveganja socialne izključenosti, še posebej najbolj ranljivih družbenih skupin. Z omejenim dostopom do trga dela se kot ena najbolj marginaliziranih družbenih skupin soočajo romske ženske, ki so v primerjavi z romskimi moški ali večinskim prebivalstvom še v večji meri podvržene dejavnikom, ki povečujejo tveganje za socialno izključenost in revščino. Posebej slab položaj pesti romske ženske v Mestni občini Novo mesto, kjer so izpostavljene slabim bivanjskim razmeram, številnim zdravstvenim težavam, predsodkom in stereotipom s strani večinskega prebivalstva in delodajalcev, medtem ko jim dostop do trga dela še dodatno otežujejo nizka stopnja izobrazbe ter ujetost v tradicionalne vloge gospodinje, matere in žene, ki jih zavzamejo tudi že v puberteti. Ko govorimo o romskih ženskah, sicer ne moremo enostavno sešteti identitetnih pozicij spola in etničnosti, pac? pa moramo preučiti specifične okoliščine, v katerih se nahajajo ob prepletanju obeh identitetnih pozicij. S tem se ukvarja intersekcijska perspektiva, ki jo v magistrski nalogi uporabim za razumevanje in možne načine reševanja težkega položaja romskih žensk na trgu delovne sile.


intersekcija;Rominje;Zaposlovanje;Romi;Ženske;Trg dela;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Retar]
UDC: 331.5(=214.58)(043.3)
COBISS: 35774301 Link will open in a new window
Views: 597
Downloads: 173
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of intersection in understanding and solving the unemployment of the Roma women in Novo mesto
Secondary abstract: It seems that these days, getting an employment is becoming an increasingly demanding project, which is increasing the risk of social exclusion, especially of the most vulnerable social groups. One of the most marginalized social groups with especially difficult access to the labour market are Roma women, who are even more than Roma men or the majority population subjected to factors that increase the risk of social exclusion and poverty. Roma women living in the Municipality of Novo mesto find themselves in a particularly disadvantaged position, being exposed to poor living conditions, numerous health problems, prejudice and stereotypes of the majority population and employers, while their access to the labour market is further complicated by the low level of attained education and early entrapment in traditional roles of a housewife, a mother and a wife. When speaking of Roma women, we cannot easily summarize the identities of gender in ethnicity, but must examine the circumstances which they are facing at the crossing of both identity positions. This is the subject of intersectional research approach that I will be using in my master's thesis to better understand and solve the difficult position of Roma women in the labour market.
Secondary keywords: Employment;Romanies;Women;Labor market;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 73 str.
ID: 10956300