delo diplomskega projekta


Izziv današnjih časov za srednje velika podjetja je uveljavljanje novih poslov, inovacij in drugih sprememb v proces podjetja. Veliko podjetij ima željo hitro uspeti, kar poskušajo doseči z nižanjem stroškov, odpuščanjem itd. Vendar se jih veliko ne zaveda, da rasti ne morejo vedno doseči samo s spreminjanjem obstoječe ponudbe, prevzemom in prestavitvijo podjetja v razvijajoče se države. Podjetja morajo ustvarjati, razvijati in vzdrževati nove inovacije ali posle. Vedno morajo biti pozorna na nove priložnosti, ki jih ponuja okolje. Osnovni namen diplomskega projekta je predstaviti določene elemente, ki so potrebni za podporo notranjega podjetništva in jih nato prikazati in analizirati v podjetju Kovis d. o. o. Diplomski projekt je sestavljen iz treh delov. Prvi del diplomskega projekta je sestavljen iz opisa problema, namena, ciljev in uporabljenih raziskovalnih metod. Drugi del je teoretičen in je razdeljen na dve poglavji. V prvem teoretičnem poglavju smo opredelili, kaj je notranje podjetništvo, zakaj se podjetja odločijo za notranje podjetništvo in katere elemente potrebuje podjetje za izvajanje notranje podjetniških aktivnosti. V drugem teoretičnem poglavju pa nadaljujemo s podrobnejšim opisom elementov za podporo notranjega podjetništva, opišemo kulturo, vodstvo in organizacijsko strukturo. V zadnjem delu diplomskega projekta, v empiričnem delu, najprej predstavimo podjetje, ki ga bomo analizirali. V prvi fazi smo podjetje preučili z vidika vodstva, zaposlenih, strukture, kulture in drugih elementov. Sledila je analiza glede na preučevane elemente, ki sestavljajo celoto notranjega podjetništva. Kot sintezo smo podali predloge za razvoj notranjega podjetništva v preučevanem podjetju.


podjetništvo;notranje podjetništvo;srednja podjetja;merjenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Ferenčak]
UDC: 005.7
COBISS: 13169436 Link will open in a new window
Views: 682
Downloads: 99
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂanalysis of presence of corporate entrepreneurship found in a chosen medium-sized company
Secondary abstract: The challenge for medium- sized companied is implementation of new works, innovation and other changes in the process of the company. Many of them wish to succeed quickly, which they try to achieve with lowering of costs, firing etc. However, they aren’t aware of the fact that growth can’t be achieved just by changing existing offer, acquisitions and moving of the company. They must create, develop and maintain new innovations and businesses. They always have to pay attention to new opportunities that the environment is offering. The basic goal of the project is to present certain elements, that support corporate entrepreneurship and analyse them in the company Kovis d.o.o. The project consists of three parts. The first part is a description of the problem, intentions, goals and used research methods. The second part is theoretical and is divided into two chapters. In the first theoretical chapter, we define what corporate entrepreneurship is, why do companies decide for it and which elements does a company need for implementing it. In the second chapter we continue with more detailed descriptions of the elements needed for the support of corporate entrepreneurship, we describe culture, leadership, and organizational structure. In the last stage of the project we introduce the company that we will analyse. We look at it from the aspect of leadership, culture, employees, structure and other elements. Then we analyse the elements we described. We give suggestions for the future development of corporate entrepreneurship in the researched company.
Secondary keywords: corporate entrepreneurship;innovation;corporate entrepreneur;the analysis of presence of corporate entrepreneurship;elements of corporate entrepreneurship;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV, 28 str.
ID: 10956401