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Tomaž Kokot (Author), Darja Boršič (Mentor)


Vsaka država mora poznati kazalnike, na podlagi katerih se merijo gospodarski razvoj, gospodarska rast, konkurenčnost in globaliziranost posameznega gospodarstva. Rezultati, ki jih dobimo s pomočjo omenjenih kazalnikov, nas lahko včasih pozitivno presenetijo, kar je znak, da je gospodarstvo uspešno. Kadar nas rezultati omenjenih kazalnikov presenetijo negativno, pa je potrebno povzeti ukrepe za izboljšanje razmer na posameznem področju. Za proučevanje omenjenega področja smo si izbrali kazalnike bruto domači proizvod, indeks človeškega razvoja, globalni indeks konkurenčnosti in indeks globalizacije KOF. Omenjene kazalnike smo analizirali na primeru izbranih držav, ki smo jih razvrstili med zelo razvite, srednje razvite in manj razvite države. Analiza kazalnikov globalnega indeksa konkurenčnosti je za manj razvite države pokazala, da manj razvite države spadajo med najbolj konkurenčne države, saj imajo najvišjo vrednost globalnega indeksa konkurenčnosti. Za vsako državo smo prav tako poiskali dejavnike, ki najbolj ovirajo njeno poslovanje. Ob pregledu vseh dejavnikov smo ugotovili, da se največkrat kot ovira pri poslovanju pojavita korupcija in neučinkovita vladna birokracija. Osnovni namen tega dela je raziskati, ali globalizacija vpliva na gospodarsko rast v posamezni državi oziroma ali gospodarska rast vpliva na globalizacijo v državi. Narejena analiza je pokazala, da ta vpliv v nekaterih državah, zajetih v vzorec, obstaja.


gospodarski razvoj;gospodarska rast;konkurenčnost;globalizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Kokot]
UDC: 330.34(043.2)
COBISS: 13117212 Link will open in a new window
Views: 979
Downloads: 325
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of relationship among economic growth, development and globalisation
Secondary abstract: Each country should know the indicators that represent the basis of measuring economic development, economic growth, competitiveness and globalisation of a certain economy. The results obtained by these indicators can sometimes agreeably surprise us, which is a sign of a successful economy. On the other hand, when the results of the aforementioned indicators are shocking, we need to take measurements in order to improve the situation in a certain area. To research the abovementioned area, we chose the following indicators: gross domestic product, Human Development Index, Global Competitiveness Index, and KOF Globalisation Index. We analysed these indicators on a selection of countries that were classified into highly developed, medium developed and less developed countries. The analysis of the Global Competitiveness Index indicators of less developed countries showed that these countries are the most competitive ones, since they have the highest Global Competitiveness Index. For each country, we also identified the most common factors that hinder its business operations. After examining all the factors, we established that the most common obstacles to business are corruption and ineffective government bureaucracy. The main goal of this thesis is to determine whether globalisation affects the economic growth in a certain country or economic growth is influenced by globalisation in this country. The performed analysis showed that this influence does exist in some countries included in our sample.
Secondary keywords: economic development;economic growth;competitiveness;globalisation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 64 str.
ID: 10956421
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