diplomsko delo
Luka Pasar (Author), Ernest Petrič (Mentor)


Iz navedb v tem delu lahko zaključimo, da mednarodnopravna regulacija ter notranji dokumenti in delne uredbe Italije v obravnavanem obdobju nikakor niso ponudile zaščite slovenske manjšine v Italiji. Ali so zakone vsiljevale zgodovinske velesile in jih praviloma prikrojevale lastnim interesom in potreba mali pa so bila določila napisana tako, da so dopuščala široko interpretacijo in zato proste roke pri njihovi operacionalizaciji. Bistven premik se je zgodil šele s sprejemom zaščitnega zakona leta 2001. Poimenovali so ga zakon 38/2001. Vse do sprejetja tega zakona slovenska manjšina v Videmski pokrajini, denimo sploh ni bila priznana. Toda tudi t. i. globalna zaščita je kmalu pokazala svoje ranljivosti, izkazalo se je, da je izvajanje zakona v največji meri odvisno od politične volje državnih organov in deželne oblasti, pa tudi od angažiranosti slovenske manjšine, tradicionalno razpete med dve krovni organizaciji, vsaka s svojim političnim pedigrejem, kar je onemogočalo enotne nastope v odnosu do državnih in lokalnih oblasti.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [L. Pasar]
UDC: 323.15(=163.6)(043.2)
COBISS: 2053199030 Link will open in a new window
Views: 56
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: From the statements in this chapter we can conclude that the international regulation, internal documents and partial decrees of Italy in the discussed era failed to protect the Slovenian minority in Italy. Either the laws were forced by historic superpowers, who adapted them to fit their interests, or the stipulations were written in such a way that they allowed for a wide interpretation and thus free rein when handling their operationalization. It was not untill the passing of the protective law in 2001 that change occured. Untill this law passed, the minority in Udine region was not acknowledged at all. But even the so called global protection soon showed its weaknesses as it turned out that the enforcement of the law relied heavily on the political will of the authorities and the government agencies. The engagement of the Slovenian minorites, who were split between two umbrella organizations, each with their political agenda, made a unified response to the national and local authorites impossible.
Secondary keywords: Slovenci;Diplomske naloge;Zamejski Slovenci;Julijska Kranija;1920-1941;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V, 51 str.
ID: 10957150
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