
Rak dojke pri mladih bolnicah je redek pojav. Uspešno zdravljenje te bolezni omogoča večini mladih bolnic dolgo preživetje. Pomemben vidik kakovosti življenja je nedvomno ohranjanje plodnosti, posebno ob zavedanju, da je starost žensk ob prvem otroku vse višja. Mlade bolnice je zato treba že ob postavitvi diagnoze seznaniti z možnimi negativnimi vplivi zdravljenja na plodno sposobnost in jim ponuditi možnost svetovanja. Na ginekološko-onkološkem konziliju bolnicam ali paru med drugim predstavimo postopke za shranjevanje genetskega materiala pred pričetkom zdravljenja. V pričujočem prispevku predstavljamo in razpravljamo o novejših spoznanjih, ki povezujejo rak dojke ter nosečnost. Predstavljamo tudi zbrane podatke o nosečnostih pri zelo mladih bolnicah po zdravljenju raka dojke v Sloveniji.


rak dojke;nosečnost;plodnost;mlade bolnice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: OI - Institute of Oncology
UDC: 618.1-006
COBISS: 1806715 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1408-1741
Parent publication: Onkologija
Views: 2575
Downloads: 652
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: [Breast cancer in young women and pregnancy]
Secondary abstract: Breast cancer in young women is a rare occurrence, and successful treatment of this disease offers long survival to the majority of young female patients. Preserving fertility is an important aspect of the quality of life, in particular if bearing in mind that the age at which women have their first child has been increasing. Therefore, young female patients must be aware of the possible negative effects of treatment on fertility already at diagnosis and should be offered counselling. At the gynaecological oncology consilium, patients or couples are presented the procedures for the storage of genetic material before commencing treatment. In the following article, we present and discuss the newest findings on the association between breast cancer and pregnancy. Moreover, we also present the data collected on pregnancy in very young patients following breast cancer treatment in Slovenia.
Pages: str. 4-8, 72
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ18
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: jun. 2014
ID: 10957234
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