delo diplomskega projekta


V diplomskem projektu obravnavamo potencialne negativne vidike obstoja kriptovalut. Kriptovalute so dandanes medijsko zelo obravnavana tema po vsem svetu. V povezavi z njimi se pojavlja mnogo vprašanj o uporabnosti kriptovalut zaradi njihovega negativnega vidika. Kriptovalute so oblika elektronskega denarja, ki ima prednosti in slabosti. Najpomembnejša kriptovaluta je Bitcoin, poleg njega pa obstaja še mnogo drugih. Te so se razvile zaradi vedno večjega zanimanja širše javnosti za Bitcoin. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, saj je njihova vrednost nestanovitna. Nestanovitnost kriptovalut je privabila številne vlagatelje, ki so si obetali hitre dobičke in so pozabili na pasti. Številni novi vlagatelji so napihovali cene in ustvarjali ekonomski balon. Kasnejše raziskave so pokazale, da so k napihovanju cen v veliki meri pripomogle tudi manipulacije. Sledil je pok ekonomskega balona. Vrednost kriptovalut je padla za več kot 50 % in tako so mnogi utrpeli velike izgube. V trenutnem obsegu, kriptovalute ne predstavljajo grožnje finančni stabilnosti in finančnemu sistemu, vendar bi lahko v prihodnje predstavljale motnjo v svetovnem gospodarstvu, zato jih je potrebno regulirati. Negativni vidiki se kažejo v številnih varnostnih in okoljskih problemih. Okoljski problemi nastajajo zaradi pretirane porabe električne energije pri rudarjenju kriptovalut.


denar;kriptovalute;bitcoin;slabosti;regulacija;finančna stabilnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Šadl]
UDC: 336.74
COBISS: 13158940 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1387
Downloads: 237
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Potential negative aspects of cryptocurrencies
Secondary abstract: In the diploma project we discuss the potential negative aspects of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are nowadays widely discussed in the media world wide. In connection with them, there are many questions about the usability due to their negative aspect. Cryptocurrencies are a form of electronic money that has advantages and disadvantages. The most important cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, and there are many others besides him. These have evolved due to the increasing interest of the general public for Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies are a very risky investment, as their value is volatile. Cryptocurrency volatility has attracted many investors who have anticipated quick profits and have forgotten traps. Many new investors have inflated prices and created an economic bubble. Later studies have shown that manipulation has been greatly contributed to inflation. This causing the bubble to deflate. The value of cryptocurrencies dropped by more than 50%, and so many suffered great losses. At present, cryptocurrencies do not pose a threat to financial stability and the financial system, but could in the future represent a disruption in the global economy, so they need to be regulated. Negative aspects are reflected in a number of security and environmental problems. Environmental problems arise due to excessive power consumption when cryptocurrencies are mined.
Secondary keywords: cryptocurrency;Bitcoin;economic bubble;regulation;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 37 str.
ID: 10957444
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