diplomsko delo
David Hartman (Author), Mirko Kariž (Reviewer), Milan Šernek (Mentor)


Izvedena je bila raziskava vpliva temperature na hitrost utrjevanja epoksidnega lepila Xepos 40. Z reometrom ARES G2 smo izvajali oscilatorni test, s katerim smo raziskali reološke lastnosti lepila med utrjevanjem. Uporabili smo tehniko "multiwave oscillation", s katero smo proučili vpliv temperature (20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C in 50 °C) in vpliv odstopanja od priporočenega volumskega razmerja obeh komponent lepila na hitrost utrjevanja lepila. Poleg priporočenega volumskega razmerja 100:50, smo preverjali še razmerji 100:40 in 100:60. Določili smo točko želiranja in točko zamreženja lepila pri vsaki meritvi. Ugotovili smo, da se je hitrost utrjevanja epoksidnega lepila povečala z naraščanjem temperature. Ob manjšem dodatku utrjevalca je epoksidno lepilo utrdilo počasneje, ob večjem dodatku utrjevalca pa je epoksidno lepilo utrdilo nekoliko hitreje.


utrjevanje lepil;reologija;epoksidno lepilo;lepljenje;vpliv temperature;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [D. Hartman]
UDC: 630*824.8
COBISS: 2936201 Link will open in a new window
Views: 825
Downloads: 244
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂinfluence of temperature on the curing speed of epoxy adhesive
Secondary abstract: In the thesis the influence of temperature on the curing speed of epoxy adhesive Xepox 40 has been researched. Oscillation tests were performed on the rheometer to study the rheological properties of the epoxy adhesive. "Multiwave oscillation" test was used to study the influence of temperature (20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C and 50 °C) and the influence of deviation from the recommended two-component volume ratio on the curing speed of the epoxy adhesive. In addition to the recommended volume ratio 100:50, ratios 100:40 and 100:60 were also tested. Gel time and vitrification time were determined for each measurement. It was found that the curing speed of the epoxy adhesive increased with increasing the temperature. Adding less hardener made the adhesive cure slower, while adding more hardener increased the curing speed of the adhesive.
Secondary keywords: adhesive curing;rheology;epoxy adhesive;gluing;temperature influence;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: VIII, 22 f., [12] f. pril.
ID: 10958195
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