magistrsko delo
Ko človek izve za diagnozo rak se pojavi veliko vprašanj in čustev, ki pretresejo tako posameznika kot njihove svojce. Intenzivna čustva lahko kar preplavljajo posameznika, zato lahko njegovo razmišljanje, vedenje in odločitve na začetku delujejo precej zmedene. Vendar v to intenzivno čustveno dogajanje postopoma vstopajo prebliski razumskega ocenjevanja položaja in iskanje možnega ravnanja. Namen magistrskega dela je razumeti doživljanje onkoloških pacientov v odnosu z njihovimi družinskimi člani. Cilj raziskave je bil, da se opišejo čustvena stanja, ki jih pacienti doživljajo, telesne senzacijo, na kakšen način se soočajo z boleznijo, ter kako doživljajo svoje najbližje. Z uporabo kvalitativna metode dela in fenomenološkega pristopa je bilo opravljenih sedem polstrukturiranih intervjujev z udeleženci, ki so imeli lastno izkušnjo bolezni rak. Intervjuji so bili opravljeni v letu 2016 do 2018. Sodelovalo je 6 žensk in en moški. Udeleženci intervjujev so opisovali, da je bilo sprejetje raka za njih zelo težko, prisotni so bili občutki zanikanja, žalosti, krivde, jeze in agresije., ter obupa. Nekateri intervjuvanci so opisovali nemoč, predvsem s strani družinskih članov, kar jim je predstavljalo najtežjo stvar celotnega procesa zdravljenja. Po končanem zdravljenju so intervjuvanci navajali, da je njihovo življenje pridobilo smisel. Razvila so se globlja čustva hvaležnosti. Kljub podobnim odgovorom pa ne moremo posploševati dejstva, da tako doživljajo vsi onkološki pacienti, temveč je potrebno razumeti, da je numerus naše raziskave zelo majhen. Lahko pa, da so občutki, ki so jih opisovali udeleženci prisotni tudi pri drugih onkoloških pacientih
rak;družina;doživljanje raka;travma;soočanje z rakom;magistrske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL TEOF - Theological Faculty |
Publisher: |
[K. Kugler] |
UDC: |
159.942:616-006(043.2) |
Views: |
1230 |
Downloads: |
379 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Experiencing emotional support from family members in oncology patients |
Secondary abstract: |
When a person learns about their cancer diagnosis, a lot of questions and feelings that shake both the individual and their relatives arise. Such intense emotions can be overwhelming for the individual, so their thinking, behaviour and decisions may seem quite confusing. However, during the times of emotional stress, rational assessment of the situation and the search for possible actions gradually appear. The goal of the master's thesis is to understand what oncological patients experience in relation to their family members. The aim of the thesis is to describe the emotional conditions that patients experience, their body sensations, how they are dealing with the disease, and how they experience their loved ones. Using the qualitative method and the phenomenological approach, seven semi-structured interviews with participants who had an experience with cancer were conducted. The interviews were conducted between 2016 and 2018, and include six women and one man. Participants claim that acceptance of the cancer diagnosis was very difficult for them, and report feeling denial, sadness, guilt, anger, aggression, and despair. Some interviewees describe helplessness, especially that of their family members, which was the most difficult aspect of the entire treatment process for the patient. The interviewees state that their life became meaningful after completing the treatment. Deeper feelings of gratitude developed. Despite similar answers we, however, cannot generalize; while it is possible that the feelings described by the participants may also be present in other oncological patients, it is necessary to understand that the number of participants in our research is very small. |
Secondary keywords: |
cancer;family;experiencing cancer;trauma;facing cancer; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak. |
Pages: |
V, 73, II str. |
ID: |
10958512 |