diplomsko delo
Ariana Arifi (Author), Slobodan Dujić (Mentor)


Funkcionalno gledano predstavlja državna uprava dejavnost upravljanja v javnih zadevah na instrumentalni ravni, v organizacijskem smislu pa gre za skupek izvršilnih in upravnih organov in organizacij, preko katerih država uresničuje svoje naloge. Zakoni, ki predstavljajo okvir za delovanje organov in organizacij v okviru državne uprave so predvsem Zakon o državni upravi, Zakon o inšpekcijskem nadzoru ter Zakon o Vladi Republike Slovenije. Če klasificiramo funkcije državne uprave po njihovem razvoju skozi zgodovino, lahko ugotovimo, da ima državna uprava klasično regulatorno funkcijo ter servisno in razvojno (pospeševalno) funkcijo, ki sta novejši funkciji. Sodobna državna uprava zaradi spoznanja, da lahko določene elemente celo regulatorne funkcije, ki je bila na začetku razvoja državne uprave izključno v pristojnosti državne uprave, bolj učinkovito in hitreje opravljajo različne nedržavne organizacijske strukture, zato niti ene od funkcij ne opravlja več v celoti sama, ampak to počne s pomočjo nedržavnih organizacijskih struktur, kot so javne agencije, javni skladi, javni zavodi, javna podjetja in zbornice. Organizacijsko te nedržavne oz. paradržavne organizacijske strukture ne sodijo v državno upravo, vendar pa so na državo tesno funkcionalno vezane, saj jih država ustanovi s svojim aktom, načeloma se financirajo iz državnega proračuna, v njih država izvršuje ustanoviteljske pravice in izvajajo dejavnosti v javnem interesu.


javni sektor;javna uprava;državna uprava;javno pooblastilo;nedržavna uprava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [A. Arifi]
UDC: 35(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 2053126326 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3242
Downloads: 295
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: From the functional point of view, the state administration representsa management activity in public affairs on an instrumental level, and from an organizational point of view,the state administration represents a combination of the executive and administrative authorities and organizations, through which the state realizes its tasks. Laws which represent the fundamental legal base and the framework for functioning of the state administration authorities and the organizations in the domain of public administration are mainly Law on the State Administration (Zakon o državni upravi), Law on the Inspection Control (Zakon o inšpekcijskem nadzoru) and Law on the Government of Republic Slovenija (Zakon o Vladi Republike Slovenije). If we classify the functions of the state administration by their development throughout the history, we can say that the state administration has a classic regulatory function, as well as the service and development function, which represent the newer functions of the state administration. Due to the recognition that certain elements even of the regulation function, which was exclusively within the competence of the state administration, perform more effectively and faster in various non-governmental organizational structures, the state administration does not perform none of the functions mentioned above, fully by itself, but with the supportof non-governmental organizational structures, such as public agencies, public funds, public institutes, public companies and chambers. These non-state/ para-state organizations are not organizacitonaly part of the state administration, but they are functionally closely linked to the state administration. They are established by anact of the state, they arein principlefinanced from the state budget, the stateimplements the founding rights ih them,and they carry out activities in the public interest.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VII, 59 str.
ID: 10958720
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