diplomsko delo
Karin Trebušak (Author), Ana Slatnar (Mentor)


Gojenje v zavarovanih prostorih omogoča proizvodnjo izven sezone. Takšna proizvodnja zelenjadnic ima številne prednosti pred gojenjem na prostem. V zavarovanih prostorih je možno nadzorovati okoljske parametre in jih tudi spreminjati. Spreminjamo lahko svetlobo, temperaturo, vlažnost in količino CO2. V diplomskem delu sem predstavila kaj je kakovost pridelkov in kako okoljski dejavniki vplivajo nanjo. V zadnjih letih opažamo povečano zanimanje potrošnikov glede na kakovost rastlinskih proizvodov. Umetno ustvarjeni pogoji v zavarovanih prostorih so tisti, ki dajejo pridelku drugačen okus v primerjavi s pridelki, ki so bili pridelani na prostem. Pomanjkanje svetlobe povzroči zmanjšanje kakovosti pridelka, na rastlinah se lahko kaže kot deformacija organov, nižji pridelek, majhni plodovi, neenaka obarvanost plodov, kopičenje nitrata v rastlinskih tkivi itd. Z dodatno svetlobo se poveča stopnja fotosinteze, rast in razvoj. Visoke temperature zraka privedejo do povečane rasti rastlin. Nizke temperature vplivajo na kaljivost in kakovost plodov. Vplivajo na obliko, aromatičnost in sočnost plodov. Poleg svetlobe in temperature na kakovost vpliva tudi vlažnost in količina CO2. Vlažnost zraka najbolj vpliva na kakovost paradižnikov, medtem ko na druge zelenjadnice nima večjega vpliva. Eden od ciljev pridelave v zaprtih prostorih je povečanje pridelka in okno pridelave posamezne vrtnine, kar pomeni večjo konkurenčnost na tržišču. Za povečanje pridelka je možno uporabljati obogatitev zaprtih prostorov z CO2. Pokazalo se je, da ima CO2 pozitiven učinek na kakovost zelenjadnic: poveča se pridelek, število listov in višina rastlin.


okoljski dejavniki;kakovost;pridelek;zavarovan prostor;rastlinjaki;zelenjadnice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [K. Trebušak]
UDC: 631.544.4:631.234:635.918:631.524.02(043.2)
COBISS: 9023609 Link will open in a new window
Views: 793
Downloads: 193
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂinfluence of enviromental [!] factors on the quality of greenhouses-grown vegetables
Secondary abstract: Growing in sccured quarters enables out of season production. Such production of vegetables has several advantages to growing outdoors. In secured quarters we have the possibility to control environmental parameters and adapt them. We can change lighting, temperature, humidity and CO2 levels. In my thesis I have shown what is the quality of produce and how environmental factors impact it. I the last years we can see a growing interest of consumers regarding the quality of vegetable products. Artificially generated conditions in secured quarters are the ones that give the produce a different taste in comparison to produce, grown outside The lack of light causes a reduced quality or produce, which can present itself as deformity of parts, lower yields, smaller fruits, unequal coloring of fruits, accumulation of nitrates in plant tissues etc. With added light the photosynthesis, growth and development improve. High air temperatures lead to improved growth of plants. Lower temperatures impact growth, development and fruit quality. They impact the shape, smell and juiciness of fruits. Apart from lighting and temperature, quality of air is also impacted by humidity and CO2 levels. Air humidity mostly impacts the quality of tomatoes, while it does not have significant impact on other vegetables. One of the goals of production in enclosed spaces is increasing production and the window of production of each specific vegetable, leading to improved competitiveness in the market. To increase production it is possible to enrich enclosed spaces with CO2. It has been shown that CO2 has a positive impact on the quality of vegetables: it increases the amount of produce produced, number of leaves and the height of the plant.
Secondary keywords: environmental factors;quality of crops;greenhouses;vegetables;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VI, 22 str.
ID: 10958766