magistrsko delo


V okviru magistrskega dela smo želeli raziskati vpliv zdravstvenega stanja cepičev in petih različnih pripravkov za razkuževanje ter enega v kombinaciji s termoterapijo (TT) na vsebnost fenolnih spojin v kalusu cepljenk po siljenju in po klasiranju. V poskus smo vključili cepiče z zdravih (ZDR) ter asimptomatične (ASIM) in simptomatične (SIM) cepiče okužene z boleznimi lesa vinske trte (BLVT) iz trt sorte 'Cabernet Sauvignon'. Vse cepiče smo pred cepljenjem tretirali ločeno s pripravki Beltanol, Serenade, soda bikarbona, Remedier, BioAction ter kombinacijo Beltanola in TT. Po siljenju in po klasiranju smo glede na obravnavanje naključno izbrali 15 cepljenk, s katerih smo odvzeli kalus, iz katerega smo ekstrahirali in identificirali ter kvantificirali fenolne spojine. Potrdili smo, da zdravstveno stanje cepičev vpliva na različno vsebnost posameznih in skupnih fenolnih spojin v kalusu. Po siljenju smo značilno največjo vsebnost skupnih identificiranih fenolov (TAP; 363-378 μg/g SM), flavanolov (FLA; 297-310 μg/g SM) in stilbenov (STB; 25,7-27,0 μg/g SM) izmerili v kalusu siljenk SIM in ZDR cepičev, po klasiranju pa vsebnost TAP, FLA in STB v kalusu cepljenk z ASIM cepiči. Po siljenju smo največjo vsebnost TAP (599-783 μg/g SM) izmerili v kalusu cepljenk z ZDR in SIM cepiči, razkuženih s pripravkom BioAction. Po klasiranju smo največjo vsebnost TAP (6951-7110 μg/g SM) izmerili v kalusu cepljenk z ASIM cepiči, tretiranih s pripravkoma Remedier in Beltanolom, pri ZDR cepičih (3231-3262 μg/g SM) z Remedier in soda bikarbono ter v kalusu s SIM cepiči (5024±40 μg/g SM), razkuženih s sodo bikarbono. Rezultati potrjujejo, da se cepljenka na cepljenem mestu (kalusu) različno odzove s sintezo fenolov na zdravstveno stanje cepiča ter uporabo pripravkov za razkuževanje zoper BLVT.


vinska trta;bolezni lesa vinske trte;fenolne spojine;BLVT;esca;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [S Gačnik]
UDC: 634.8:631.541.12:632:547.56(043.2)
COBISS: 9025657 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1015
Downloads: 355
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of the sanitary status of the scions and disinfectants on the content of phenolic compounds in callus of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) grafts of the "Cabernet Sauvignon" variety
Secondary abstract: The aim of this thesis was to determine how the sanitary status of the scions infected with grapevine trunk diseases (GTD) and five different disinfectants (one combinated with thermotherapy (TT)) impact on the phenolic content in callus of grapevine grafts after callusing and grading. The experiment included scions from healthy vines (ZDR), GTD infected asymptomatic vines (ASIM) and GTD infected symptomatic vines (SIM) of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' variety. All scions were treated separately with Beltanol, Serenade, sodium bicarbonate, Remedier, BioAction and with combination of Beltanol and TT. Callus from 15 grapevine grafts was sampled after callusing and grading. In callus individual and total analyzed phenolics (TAP) were identified and quantified. The results confirm that different sanitary status of scions (ZDR, ASIM and SIM) has an impact on the content of phenolic compounds in callus. After callusing the significantly highest content of TAP (363-378 μg/g FW), flavanols (FLA; 297-310 μg/g FW) in stilbenes (STB; 25,7-27,0 μg/g FW) in callus of SIM and ZDR scions was measured, while after grading the significantly highest content of TAP, FLA and STB was measured in callus of ASIM scions. After callusing the significantly highest content of TAP (599-783 μg/g FW) was measured in callus of ZDR and SIM scions, treated with BioAction. After grading the significantly highest content of TAP (6951-7110 μg/g FW) was measured in callus of ASIM scions, treated with Remedier in Beltanolom, in ZDR scions (3231-3262 μg/g FW) with Remedier in sodium bicarbonate and in SIM scions (5024±40 μg/g FW) with sodium bicarbonate. Results confirm sanitary status of grapevine scions and different disinfectants has an impact on phenolic content in callus od grapevine grafts.
Secondary keywords: grapevine;grapevine trunk diseases;phenolic compounds;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: XI, 50 f., [2] f. pril.
ID: 10958773