diplomsko delo
Domen Kocjan (Author), Maja Bučar Pajek (Reviewer), Primož Pori (Mentor)


Čevlji z visoko peto so pri ženski populaciji zelo priljubljena obutev. Povečan plantarni upogib povzroči biomehanske spremembe pri telesni drži tako pri statični drži kot tudi tekom gibanja. Te spremembe povzročijo preobremenjenost določenih mišic, ki morajo zavoljo povečanega plantarnega upogiba in ohranjanja telesne drže ves čas delovati. Namen diplomskega dela je preko znanstvenih raziskav predstaviti vpliv nošenja obutve z visoko peto na telesno držo. Predstavljeni so biomehanski vplivi na stopalo, skočni sklep, kolenski in kolčni sklep pri statični drži ter hoji. Na koncu smo predstavili splošne smernice, s pomočjo kateri si lahko ljudje, ki nosijo visoke pete pomagajo pri zmanjševanju vplivov visokih pet na telesno držo. S pomočjo slikovnega gradiva je na koncu diplomskega dela opisan sklop sprostilnih, krepilnih in razteznih gimnastičnih vaj za najbolj obremenjene mišice. Raziskave, ki so preverjale omenjeno tematiko si med seboj niso koherentne. Tako na primer nekatere izmed njih beležijo pojav notranjega nagiba medenice, spet druge zunanjega. Vendar pa so vse prišle do zaključka, da povečan plantarni upogib poveča aktivacijo dvoglave mečne mišice (m. gastrocnemius) in mišica vzravnalka trupa (m. erector spinae). Na dolgi rok se zaradi konstantnega obremenjevanja mečne mišice skrajša predvsem medialna glava dvoglave mečne mišice (m. gastrocnemius) in pri tem povzroči večjo rigidnost ahilove tetive.


šport;telesna drža;centralno težišče telesa;nepravilnosti;statična stoja;hoja;čevlji;visoke pete;aktivacija mišic;obremenitve;mišično utrujanje;telovadne vaje;vadba;raziskave;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [D. Kocjan]
UDC: 796.01:61
COBISS: 5393585 Link will open in a new window
Views: 929
Downloads: 336
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects Of Wearing High Heel Shoes On Posture
Secondary abstract: High heel shoes are very popular in today's society especially with women population. Increased plantar flexion causes biomechanical changes in human posture at static standing and during movement. Because of the increased plantar flexion and upright posture maintenance muscles have to work harder which is causing muscle overload. Purpose of this monographic thesis is to discuss scientific researches on effects of wearing high heel shoes on human posture. In the following are presented biomechanical effects on foot, ankle joint, knee joint and hip joint at static standing and during walking. At the end of the thesis we adressed some general guidelines on how to decrease negative effects of wearing shoes with high heels on posture. At the end of this thesis we've presented some exercises for muscle strength, stretch and release accompanied with visual material. Researches, examining this topic are not coherent with each other. For example some of them show while during wearing high heel shoes lumbar lordosis increases but on the other hand some of them have shown decreased lumbar lordosis. All researches agree that increased plantar flexion increases activation of muscle gastrocnemius and erector spinae. Wearing high heels on long-term shortenes medial head of muscle gastrocnemius and increases rigidity of achilles tendon.
Secondary keywords: posture;effects;high heels;exercises;research;guidelines;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10958868