diplomsko delo
Aljaž Božičko (Author), Franc Mali (Mentor)


Želim predstaviti povsem nov pogled na svet, ne po vsebini, pač pa po zastavitvi in nekaj novih pojmih, ki sem jih sestavil za olajšanje komunikacije. Ta svet odstira pogled na mnoga do sedaj zagonetna vprašanja in omogoča, da družboslovne paradigme prodrejo vse od vesoljne zavesti pa do najmanjših delcev vesolja. Omogoča torej, da družboslovje pristopi k temam, ki so bile običajno v domeni naravoslovnih smeri, kot so kemija, fizika in biologija. Vendar ta pogled ni center moje diplomske naloge. Preden obsežneje predstavim jedro teorije, bi želel pozornost nameniti prav posebni skupini, ki me je skozi študij izredno vznemirila. Želim prepoznati podosebnosti ali morebiti bolje rečeno soosebnosti. Prepoznavam namreč, da se v podzavesti nahaja mnoštvo struktur, ki jih običajno ne bi bili sposobni prepoznati kot osebnosti. Kljub temu jih že sama množina in medsebojna dinamika postavlja v pozicijo, ki jo je nujno nasloviti, če želimo kadarkoli razumeti človeka. Podobno kot je suveren nihče brez svojih subjektov, tako smo tudi mi le bežen poskus trajanja brez nam večinoma nevidne konstelacije interesov, ki determinirajo vse od naših talentov in življenjskih ciljev, pa do tega kaj si želimo danes jesti za kosilo. Predstaviti želim Vaše kraljestvo. Kraljestvo osebnosti.


gematognoza;podosebnost;Osebnost;Absolutno;Zavest;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [A. Božičko]
UDC: 159.96(043.2)
COBISS: 35886941 Link will open in a new window
Views: 634
Downloads: 140
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Crowded personality
Secondary abstract: I want to present you with entirely new world, not through content, but through form and some new concepts that I assembled to lighten the comprehension. World which I speak of is shedding new light on the great many puzzling questions. It enables social science theories to break through all the way from the global mind to the smallest particles of the universe. It enables social sciences to approach to the topics that were usually reserved to the naturalistic sciences, like chemistry, physics and biology. This view thou is this time around not the center of my bachelor's degree attention. Before I more extensively present you with the core of the theory, I would like to draw your attention to the group, that exited me to no extent. I would like to recognize the subpersonalities or maybe better yet copersonalities. I do recognize that subconscious consists of multitude of structures that we are casually not able to recognize as personalities. However, even only their plurality and their interlaced dynamics are giving them relevance that is crucial to comprehend, if we are to ever willing to comprehend what is to be human. Similarly, as a sovereign is nobody without its subjects, just so we are but a fleeting effort of endurance without to us unseen constellation of interests that determine all, from our talents and life goals to what do we want to eat for lunch this day. I want to present you with Your kingdom. The kingdom of personality.
Secondary keywords: Personality;Absolute, The;Consciousness;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 44 str.
ID: 10959658
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