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Martina Šadl (Author), Nada Rotovnik-Kozjek (Reviewer), Janez Salobir (Mentor)


Skeletne mišice pri zdravem posamezniku predstavljajo 45 % celotne telesne mase in pri gibanju porabijo največji del energije. Energija v telesu nastaja večinoma na aeroben in tudi na anaeroben način. V telesu imamo tri glavne mehanizme, ki zagotavljajo energijo oz. omogočajo tvorbo in obnovo zalog ATP-ja: hidroliza kreatin-fosfata, anaerobna glikoliza glukoze, oksidativna fosforilacija maščob, ogljikovih hidratov in beljakovin. Med telesno aktivnostjo so viri energije mišični glikogen, prosta glukoza iz krvi, proste maščobne kisline, trigliceridi in aminokisline. Na vir in način uporabe energije med aktivnostjo vpliva več dejavnikov; intenzivnost in trajanje treninga, stopnja treniranosti ter presnovne značilnosti posameznika. Ogljikovi hidrati so osnovni in najhitrejši vir energije. V telesu se skladiščijo kot mišični in jetrni glikogen, najdemo jih tudi kot prosto glukozo v krvi. Mišični glikogen je primaren vir energije, medtem ko jetrni glikogen vzdržuje normalno raven krvnega sladkorja ter tako optimalno izvedbo treninga in nemoteno delovanje centralnega živčnega sistema. Prehranska regeneracija po aktivnosti je ključna, saj v telesu vzpostavlja energijsko, hranilno in tekočinsko ravnovesje ter omogoča obnovo tkiv in vadbeno adaptacijo. Čas, ki je potreben za regeneracijo zalog glikogena, je odvisen od izčrpanosti zalog glikogena, obsega poškodb mišic, količine in časa uživanja ogljikovih hidratov ter stopnje treniranosti. Raziskave so pokazale, da obnova glikogena okvirno poteka v treh stopnjah. Na splošno velja, da je obnova najhitrejša v obdobju prvih dveh ur, med naslednjimi štirimi urami se hitrost upočasni, po tem obdobju pa se obnova še dodatno upočasni na običajno hitrost. Na hitrost in obseg procesa obnove mišičnega glikogena vplivajo številni dejavniki, pomembni so predvsem količina, čas in vrsta zaužitih ogljikovih hidratov, pogostost obrokov ter v določenih stanjih tudi kombinirano uživanje beljakovin in ogljikovih hidratov.


športna prehrana;telesna aktivnost;energijska regeneracija;skeletne mišice;krčenje mišic;ATP;ogljikovi hidrati;glikogen;sport nutrition;physical exercise;energy regeneration;skeletal muscles;muscles contraction;carbohydrates;glycogen;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Šadl]
UDC: 613.2+612.39:796
COBISS: 4954488 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1484
Downloads: 459
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Energy replacement after physical exercise
Secondary abstract: In healthy individual skeletal muscles represent 45 % of the total mass and spend most of energy for movement. The body’s energy is produced primarely in the aerobic and also in anaerobic way. There are three major energy mechanisms that provide energy and restore ATP reserves: by the hydrolysis of creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis of glucose and oxidative phosphorylation of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The energy resources for physical activity are muscle glycogen, blood glucose, free fatty acids, triglycerides and amino acids. Several factors influence the source and the way of energy use during workout; intensity and duration of training, level of training and of metabolic characteristics of an individual. Carbohydrates are the primary and fastest source of energy. They are stored in the body as muscle glycogen and liver glycogen, and are also found as free glucose in the blood. Muscle glycogen is the primary source of energy, while the liver glycogen maintains a normal blood sugar level for optimum training and so that undisturbed functioning of central nervous system. The nutritional regeneration after exercise is very important as it restores the energy, nutrition and fluid balance and enable tissue regeneration and training adaptation. The time that is needed for regeneration depends upon: the exhaustion of glycogen stores, extent of muscle damage, amount and time of carbohydrate consumption and level of training. Studies have shown that glycogen restoration approximately takes place in three stages. In general, the first 2 hours of the recovery is the fastest, over the next 4 hours it slows down and after this period, restoration slows down to a normal speed. The key factors in restoring muscle glycogen stores are the amount, time and type of carbohydrate intake, the frequency of meals, and in certain situation also the combination of proteins and carbohydrate consumption.
Secondary keywords: sport nutrition;physical exercise;energy regeneration;skeletal muscles;muscles contraction;ATP;carbohydrates;glycogen;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: VII, 25 f., [2] f. pril.
ID: 10959662