diplomsko delo
Sanja Zanjko (Author), Mojca Divjak (Reviewer), Tomaž Lampe (Mentor)


Uvod: Izpostavljenost ponavljajočim se silam na nestabilno lobanjo dojenčkov sproži remodeliranje lobanje, kar pomeni, da se oblika lobanje spremeni. Najpogosteje gre za estetske deformacije v zadnjem delu lobanje, lokalizirane na levo ali desno stran, kar imenujemo plagiocefalija. Sploščitev se lahko pojavi tudi na celotnem zadnjem predelu lobanje, kar imenujemo brahicefalija. Stanji se lahko pojavita tudi v kombinaciji. Pri opredeljevanju stopnje deformacije, ki ima vpliv tudi na izbran pristop zdravljenja, uporabljamo različne metode. V diagnostiki se uporabljajo podatki, pridobljeni z opazovanjem, in podatki, ki temeljijo na podlagi meritev in izračunov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati in predstaviti obstoječe metode, s katerimi si zdravniki pomagajo pri končni diagnozi in spremljanju nepravilno oblikovane lobanje pri otrocih ter preveriti zanesljivost posamezne metode in jih med seboj primerjati. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda z zbiranjem že obstoječe, predvsem tuje literature. Najdeno literaturo smo omejili na članke, ki govorijo o konzervativnem zdravljenju plagiocefalije in o metodah diagnosticiranja najpogostejših deformacij otroške lobanje. Rezultati: Postavitev diagnoze je pomemben element, ki določuje izbran pristop zdravljenja, saj z njo ocenimo stanje in stopnjo deformacije. Trenutno v zdravstvu ne obstaja standardizirana metoda za diagnosticiranje nepravilnosti lobanje, uporabljajo se različni pristopi z različnimi merilnimi orodji. Pri večini primerov je za postavitev diagnoze dovolj obisk pediatra, v primeru suma na utesnitve možganov zaradi spremenjene oblike lobanje pa pošljejo pacienta na dodatne preiskave. V nekaterih primerih se specialisti odločijo za izvajanje meritev z merilnimi orodji, ki jim pomagajo tudi pri spremljanju stanja deformacij. Razprava in zaključek: Merilna orodja, ki jih uporabljamo, nam dajejo numerične ali opisne podatke. Oba pristopa sta se izkazala kot zanesljiva, nekoliko boljše rezultate so dajale raziskave, ki so temeljile na kombinaciji dveh različnih metod. Opisne lestvice, ki jih uporabljamo, dajejo možnost skrbnikom razumevanja stanja deformacije otroka, medtem ko se numerični podatki težje ubesedijo. Meritve pridobivamo na podlagi dvodimenzionalnih in trodimenzionalnih podatkov. Pod dvodimenzionalne spadajo radiološke slikovne metode in zarisane oblike lobanj na merilni list. Trodimenzionalni podatki so se izkazali kot najzanesljivejši kar se tiče točnosti podatkov, vendar so dragi in zahtevajo veliko prostora. Ob upoštevanju vseh dejavnikov sta se kot najbolj praktični metodi izkazali plagiocefalometrija s termoplastičnim trakom in meritve s pomičnim merilom.


diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;deformacije lobanje;korekcijske čelade;diagnostika;antropometrika;ocenjevalne lestvice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [S. Zanjko]
UDC: 617.3
COBISS: 5486955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1033
Downloads: 274
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Methods to diagnose deformational plagiocephaly
Secondary abstract: Introduction: In a case of overexposure of an unstable baby skull to continually recurring forces, the skull is remodelled, meaning the shape of the skull changes. Most commonly it results in aesthetical deformation of the occipital bone, localized to the right or left side, called plagiocephaly. Flattening may occur on the entire rear end of the skull, which is called Brachycephaly. These conditions can also occur simultaneously. When assesing the degree of the deformation, which influences what kind of treatment will be used, different methods are used. In diagnostics we use data gathered by observation, measurement and calculation. Purpose: The aim of this diploma work is to investigate and present the existing methods by which physicians assist in the final diagnosis and monitoring of the incorrectly formed skull in infants. Check the reliability of each method and compare them with each other. Methods: When I wrote this diploma thesis, I used the descriptive method, with gathering existing literature, mostly written in foreign languages. I restricted the found literature to articles about conservative treatment of plagiocephaly and those about methods of diagnosis of the most common deformations of children's skulls. Results: Making a diagnosis is an important element, that decides which treatment is chosen, because the process gives us the state and the degree of the deformation. In health care there is currently no standardised method for diagnosis of skull irregularities. There are different approaches with various measure tools. In most cases a visit to the paediatrician is enough to make a diagnosis. When there is suspicion of brain restriction on account of skull deformation, the patient gets a referral for additional tests. In some cases the specialist will decide to use measuring devices, which help them track the state of the deformation. Discussion and conclusion: Measurement tools give us numerical or descriptive data. Both approaches were proven to be reliable, research based on the combination of two methods showed somewhat better results. The clinical classification using visual assesment allow the child's guardian to understand the state of the child's deformation, while numerical data is more difficult to explain. The measurements are acquired through two- and three-dimensional data. Two-dimensional data consists of radiological graphic methods and outlined shapes of the skull on a measurement sheet. Three-dimensional data have proven to be the most reliable regarding the accuracy, but they are expensive and require a lots of room. Considering all factors, the most practical methods proved to be plagiocephalometry with a thermoplastic band and anthropometric measurement with a caliper.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;cranial asymmetry;corrective helmets;diagnosis;cranial anthropometry;clinical classifications;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 32 str.
ID: 10959869