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Vanessa Šlajmer (Author), Dušan Jovanovič (Mentor)


V zadnjih letih se je začel postopek osebnega stečaja razvijati in je število postopkov začelo naraščati, saj je tudi zadolževanje prebivalstva postalo vedno večje. Večina držav je osebni stečaj že uvedla v stečajno zakonodajo ločeno od postopka stečaja podjetja. Osebni stečaj predstavlja zadnjo rešitev pred finančnimi težavami, iz katerih posameznik več nima drugega izhoda. V postopku se lahko predlaga tudi postopek odpusta obveznosti. Prvotni namen je odplačilo upnikom iz premoženja dolžnika, temu pa sledi finančna sanacija prezadolženega posameznika. Opredelili bomo vlogo stečajnega upravitelja v postopku ter institut osebnega stečaja v ZDA in Nemčiji, ki ga bomo tudi primerjali s pravili postopka kakršnega poznamo v Sloveniji. Tudi po končanem postopku osebni stečaj prinaša določene posledice, ki lahko vplivajo na življenje posameznika, na kar se osredotoča le majhen delež literature in člankov, saj se vsi bolj posvečajo poslovanju pred in med samim postopkom. Zato bomo opredelili zadolževanje po končanem postopku ter morebiten vpliv na posameznika v primeru zaposlitve, najemanja posojil in podjetniškega poslovanja. Ugotovili smo, da prezadolženost narašča in z njo tudi možnost za osebni stečaj kateri se v veliki meri zaključuje brez razdelitve premoženja. Nato vpliva tudi prav tako že precej razširjen stečajni kriminal, ki omogoča sodelujočim osebkom protipravno pridobitev premoženja. Po končanem postopku se oseba lahko ponovno zadolži, na kar vpliva potrošnja gospodinjstev, razlog vložitve predloga v osebni stečaj, delovni napor ter možnosti zaposlitve.


osebni stečaj;stečajni upravitelj;stečajna masa;zadolževanje;dolžniki;upniki;kriminal;Slovenija;ZDA;Nemčija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [V. Šlajmer]
UDC: 347.736(043.2)
COBISS: 13181212 Link will open in a new window
Views: 818
Downloads: 144
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Personal bankruptcy and its influence on borrowing after the procedure in Slovenia, USA and Germany
Secondary abstract: In recent years, personal bankruptcy procedure has begun to evolve and the number of procedures started to increase as the borrowing of the population has become even greater. Most countries have already introduced personal bankruptcy to bankruptcy laws separately from the legislation of the corporate bankruptcy procedure. Personal bankruptcy can be a redemption for financial problems of over-indebted individual. Debt discharge can also be proposed and carried out during the procedure. The principal purpose is to repay the creditors from the debtor's assets, followed by the financial recovery of the over-indebted individual. We will define the role of the bankruptcy trustee and procedure of personal bankruptcy in the US and Germany, which we will also compare with the rules of the procedure in Slovenia. Even after the procedure is done, personal bankruptcy brings certain consequences that can affect the life of an individual. Only few literature and articles focuses on borrowing after personal bankruptcy because most of them is about the activities before and during the process itself. That is why we will define borrowing after the completed procedure and the possible impact on the individual in case of employment, borrowing and entrepreneurial activity. We have found that over-indebtedness is increasing leading to higher possibility for personal bankruptcy, which is often completed without the distribution of assets. Then, there is also a widespread bankruptcy crime, which allows participants the unlawful property acquisition. Household consumption, cause of the bankruptcy filing, work effort and employment possibilities affects borrowing after the procedure.
Secondary keywords: Personal bankruptcy;bankruptcy trustee;bankruptcy assets;borrowing;bankruptcy crimes;debtor;creditor;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: V, 66 str.
ID: 10959881