diplomsko delo


Proces globalizacije je v koraku s spremembami v družbi, politiki in ekonomiji vodil do velikih napredkov na področju povezovanja gospodarskih središč v svetu, zaradi česar se je povečala potreba po cenovno dostopnem prevoza blaga, ki je postal ključna sestavina gospodarskega razvoja na nacionalni in globalni ravni. Cestno transportni sektor ureja veliko uredb in direktiv, katerih cilj je poenotenje delovnopravne ureditve položaja delavcev v transportni dejavnosti in pravice, ki pripadajo mobilnim delavcem na podlagi sklenjenih delovnih razmerij. Delo voznikov transportnih vozil zaradi mobilne narave dela predstavlja posebno področje v delovnem pravu in delovnopravnih razmerjih. V diplomskem delu se osredotočam na posebnosti, ki jih poleg Zakona o delovnih razmerjih na področju mobilnih delavcev prinašajo določbe Zakona o delovnem času in obveznih počitkih mobilnih delavcev ter o zapisovalni opremi v cestnih prevozih in skozi aktualno sodno prakso analiziram kršitve delovnopravne zakonodaje. Ob tem pa izpostavljam tudi pereč problem socialnega dumpinga v transportnem sektorju, ki vpliva na splošen upad socialne varnosti voznikov tovornih vozil.


transportni sektor;cestni transport;mobilni delavci;socialni dumping;letter-box podjetja;tahograf;delovno razmerje;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [P. Zupančič]
UDC: 331.109.423(043.2)
COBISS: 5638955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 839
Downloads: 121
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal position of workers in the transport activity
Secondary abstract: The process of globalization has led to major advances in connecting economic centres throughout the European Union and around the world. Therefore, the need for affordable transport of goods has increased and become a key component of economic development at national and global level. The road transport sector is governed by a number of regulations and directives aimed at unifying the employment law for mobile workers in transport sector as well as strengthening the rights that belong to a driver of a transport vehicle on the basis of employment relationship. Because of the mobile nature of the work, drivers in transport sector are considered as an exception when it comes to labour law and employment relations. The dissertation merely focuses on the specificities which, in the field of mobile workers, bring provisions of the Act on working time and compulsory rests of mobile workers and the recording equipment in road transport, in comparison to the provisions in Slovenian’s Labour Relations Act. Further on, the dissertation includes a detailed analysis of current violations of the labour law provisions applicable to mobile workers in the transport sector. In the last chapter of the dissertation I have also highlighted the pressing problem of social dumping in the transport sector, which affects the overall decline in social security for truck drivers.
Secondary keywords: transport;road transport;mobile worker;social dumping;letter-box company;tachograph;employment relationship;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 46 f.
ID: 10959897