diplomsko delo
Nika Mohorič (Author), Aleš Kuhar (Reviewer), Romana Marinšek-Logar (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako prisotnost mrhovišč na območjih bivanja medveda, volka in risa v Sloveniji vpliva na njihovo gibanje in obnašanje, ter kako mrhovišča vplivajo na pogostnost napadov velikih zveri na rejne živali. Na podlagi pregleda znanstvene literature, strukturiranih intervjujev s strokovnjaki, z lovci in rejci ter pridobljenih podatkov o odškodninskih zahtevkih smo ugotovili, da mrhovišča v primerjavi s krmišči v splošnem nimajo večjega vpliva na pogostnost napadov velikih zveri na rejne živali. Medvedi sicer raje obiskujejo mrhovišča kot krmišča s koruzo in vsaj v določenem delu leta krmišča deloma zadržujejo medveda stran od bližine človeka in rejnih živali. Vendar pa vplivi mrhovišč na napade na rejne živali še niso bili neposredno preučeni, posredne raziskave pa nakazujejo, da verjetno vplivov ni ali pa niso pomembni. Ugotovili smo, da mrhovišča in krmišča vplivajo na gibanje in znotrajvrstne odnose med velikimi zvermi. Medvedi se redno zadržujejo v okolici mrhovišč in krmišč, vendar jih obiskujejo ob različnih urah, da se izognejo medvrstnim interakcijam, prav tako si močnejši medvedi včasih prisvojijo mrhovišča ali krmišča, kar nakazuje, da ta vplivajo na njihovo gibanje. Vplivajo tudi na njihovo obnašanje, saj medvedi zaradi vedno dostopne hrane kasneje prezimujejo, volkovi pa se pojavljajo na krmiščih in mrhoviščih poleg mrhovine tudi zaradi lova na divjad, saj se divjad krmi na krmiščih. Največ škode s strani velikih zveri je bilo od januarja do decembra povzročeno na drobnici leta 2010, ta pa je v naslednjih letih močno upadla tudi zaradi vseh aktivnosti za preprečevanje škod v okviru projekta Slowolf.


mrhovišča;velike zveri;rejne živali;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Mohorič]
UDC: 636:639.111.7(043.2)
COBISS: 4134792 Link will open in a new window
Views: 788
Downloads: 219
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effect of carrion feeding stations on the risk of livestock by large carnivores
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to determine how carrion feeding sites in habitats of bears, wolves and lynx in Slovenia affect their movement and behaviour, and how carrion feeding increases the frequency of large wild animal attacks on farm animals. After reviewing scientific literature and data on damage claims and conducting structured interviews with experts, hunters and breeders, we found that carrion feeding sites generally do not have a strong impact on the frequency of wild animal attacks on domestic animals compared to ordinary feeding sites. Bears tend to visit carrion feeding sites more than feeding sites with corn, which means that this keeps bears away from humans at least for a certain part of the year. However, the influence of carrion feeding sites on the attacks on farm animals has not been examined so far, but indirect research suggests that there is no impact or it is not significant. We also found that carrion feeding sites and feeding sites with corn affect the movement and the intraspecific relationships among wild animals. Bears regularly walk around carrion feeding sites and regular feeding sites, but at different times of day in order to avoid interspecies interaction. In addition, stronger bears sometimes claim carrion feeding sites or other feeding sites, which attests to their impact on the movement of the bears. Moreover, they also influence the behaviour of animal species; as bears tend to hibernate later than they used to because food is available at all times, wolves frequent carrion feeding sites and regular feeding sites due to carrion and game. Large wild animals have caused the most damage to sheep and goat in 2010, but in the following few years the Slowolf project launched numerous activities that significantly reduced the number of such instances.
Secondary keywords: carrion feeding stations;large carnivores;livestock;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: X, 41 str., [3] str. pril.
ID: 10959938