diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Maja Bot (Author), Lea Kužnik (Mentor), Barbara Pavlakovič (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela, prvi vključuje teoretični in drugi raziskovalni del. V prvem delu smo opisali pomen kulinarične dediščine, blagovne znamke in predstavili območje Prlekije. Nadaljevali smo s konkretno predstavitvijo jedi, značilnih za naše raziskovalno območje in kasneje kritično predstavili prednosti in pomanjkljivosti destinacije s pomočjo SWOT analize. Raziskovalni sklop zajema trenutno ponudbo kulinarične dediščine in raziskavo s turističnimi deležniki, ki smo jo izvedli s pomočjo intervjujev. Ugotavljali smo povezanost jedi s teoretičnim delom, hkrati pa nas je zanimalo mnenje turističnih deležnikov o skupni blagovni znamki. Zbrane rezultate smo predstavili z metodo kodiranja, kjer smo ključne stavke oziroma besede tvorili v nadpomenke in jih razvrstili glede na tematiko odgovorov. Vsako tematiko smo predstavili in navedli naše ugotovitve. Pri tem smo podali seznam jedi, ki bi jih želeli vključiti v skupno blagovno znamko. Na koncu diplomskega dela smo podali še naše predloge o izboljšanju prepoznavnosti kulinarične dediščine Prlekije in predstavili osnutek skupne blagovne znamke.


kulinarična dediščina;dediščina prehranjevanja;turistična ponudba;blagovna znamka;Prlekija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [M. Bot]
UDC: 338.483.13:392.8(497.4 Prlekija)
COBISS: 2048271955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1102
Downloads: 282
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of culinary heritage and it`s involvement in the tourist offer of Prlekija
Secondary abstract: Our thesis is divided into two parts, the first being the theoretical, and the second being the research part. In the first part we described the importance of culinary heritage and trademark, while also presenting the area of Prlekija. We continued with a detailed presentation of the dishes typical for our research area, and subsequently presented the advantages and disadvantages of the area, trough the SWOT analysis. The research unit covers the current offer of culinary heritage and the research we did with the tourism participants. The research part was conducted with the help of interviews. We were finding out the connection of the dishes with our theoretical work, and at the same time we were interested in the opinion of the tourism participants about creating a common brand. The collected results were presented using the encoding method, where the key phrases or words were created in superscripts and sorted according to the subject of the answer. We presented each topic, and we also presented our research. We have listed the dishes that we would like to include in the common brand and added our suggestions on how we would improve the visibility of the culinary heritage of Prlekija and presented the draft of the common brand.
Secondary keywords: cultural heritage;culinary heritage;inheritance of eating;tourist offer;brand;Prlekija;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za turizem
Pages: 75, 27 str.
ID: 10960507