magistrsko delo
Neža Makovec Hace (Author), Ivan Lešnik (Mentor)


Montessori pedagogika in glasbeni pristopi Edgarja Willemsa vzbujajo zanimanja številnih, ki se ukvarjajo z vzgojo in izobraževanjem v povezavi z glasbeno umetnostjo. Težko je opisati razloge, zakaj je temu tako, ker se večina procesov odvija na emocionalni in podzavestni ravni, ki temeljijo na občutenju, nedvomno pa je, da oba pristopa obravnavata otroka kot prioriteto in se ob zavedanju njegovih sposobnosti optimalno razvijata otrokove individualne potenciale. Metodi temeljita na vsebinah, ki otroka vodijo do znanja na sprejemljiv in zabaven način. Oba pristopa poznata seveda tudi drugače misleče, vendar lahko na podlagi izkušenj trdimo, da je razlog temu v nepoznavanju in nekompetentnosti določenih pedagogov in glasbenih pedagogov v kontekstu pedagogike Montessori in metode Edgarja Willemsa. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo v prvem teoretičnem delu pedagogiko Montessori, njena načela in filozofska izhodišča ter pedagoški pristop in metode dela Edgarja Willemsa. V magistrskem delu obravnavamo njune skupne in nasprotujoče vsebine, izhodišča in pristope. Med drugim izpostavljamo, kako glasbeno izobraževanje vpliva na kognitivno-socialni, afektivni in psihomotorični razvoj otrok. Oba pristopa pomembno ugotavljata, da je treba razumeti otroka, ga sprejemati kot individuum, vedeti, na kakšen način razmišlja in kako mu je potrebno ustrezno predstaviti nove vsebine, ki bodo otroka zanimale, ga pritegnile in ohranile pri delu dalj časa. V delu predstavljamo vlogo vzgojitelja in pomembnost otrokovega okolja. V empiričnem praktičnem delu predstavljamo, kako pedagogika Montessori ponuja otrokom glasbo in s katerimi pripomočki. V delu predstavljamo posamezne vsebinske dele Willemsovih vzgojno učnih ur, postopek in predloge, kako jih lahko izvajamo, ter nekatere pripomočke za uspešno delo. Willems je nedvomno natančneje in bolj strukturirano izoblikoval glasbeno pedagoške metode dela, kot je to razvila pedagogika Montessori v predšolskem obdobju. Njegova dognanja sem umestila v okolje Montessori tako pri glasbenih dejavnostih kot tudi v kontekstu pripravljanja materialov, ki so otrokom dostopni kadarkoli v času varstva. Tako se lahko otrok v pripravljenem okolju Montessori s pomočjo Willemsovega pristopa bolje seznani z glasbeno umetnostjo.


magistrska dela;pedagoška glasbena načela;glasbeni pristopi;predšolsko obdobje;Montessori;Maria;1870-1952;Willems;Edgar;1890-1978;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Makovec Hace]
UDC: 78.071.5Willems E.:373.2.091.4(043.2)
COBISS: 24111880 Link will open in a new window
Views: 258
Downloads: 27
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Edgar Willems' pedagogic principles of music in conjunction with the montessori method in pre-school teaching
Secondary abstract: The Montessori pedagogy and Edgar Willems' approaches to music education arouse interest in many people who work in teaching and education combined with music. It is difficult to define the reasons for this because most of the processes occur on the emotional and subconscious level based on feelings but it is a fact that in both approaches a child is viewed as a priority. While being aware of their abilities, both of them develop individual child's potentials optimally. The methods are based on the contents that motivate a child to learn in an acceptable and fun way. There are some people who oppose these approaches but from experience we can tell that it is because certain pedagogues and music pedagogues are incompetent and don't know The Montessori pedagogy and Edgar Willems' method. In the postgraduate thesis we present the Montessori pedagogy, its principles and philosophy basis and Edgar Willems' pedagogic approach and his teaching methods in the first theoretic part. We present the contents, the basis and the approaches they have in common and the ones that are different. We point out how music education influences the cognitive-social, affective and psychomotor children's development. Both approaches point out that it is necessary to understand a child, accept them as individuals, understand their way of thinking and introduce new topics that will be interesting and will motivate them to learn for a longer period of time. We present the role of the teacher and the importance of the child's environment. In the empirical practical part we present how the Montessori pedagogy offers music to the children and what teaching accessories they use. In the thesis we present individual learning content parts of Willems' lessons, the procedure and suggestions for the process of teaching and some teaching accessories for successful work in class. Willems has undoubtedly created musical pedagogy methods more thoroughly and structurally than the Montessori pedagogy in the preschool period. I have incorporated his discoveries into the Montessori environment with music activities and within preparing the materials which the children can use during the day care. So a child in a well arranged Montessori environment with help of the Willems' approach can learn more about music.
Secondary keywords: master thesis;principles of music pedagogy;musical approaches;preschool period;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za glasbo
Pages: XI, 71 f.
ID: 10960574