magistrsko delo
Goran Markuš (Author), Uroš Lobnik (Mentor), Peter Šenk (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo postavlja izhodišča za urbano regeneracijo Melja. Nekoč industrijsko območje v neposredni bližini centra mesta je danes neaktivna degradirana urbana površina. Predlog urbane regeneracije območja nekdanje Mariborske tekstilne tovarne z mešano rabo prostora predstavlja širjenje mestnih funkcij, ki pripomorejo k strnjevanju urbane strukture. Lokacija v neposredni bližini reke Drave v kombinaciji z zelenim območjem in z arhitekturo, ki ustreza merilu mesta in človeka, vzpostavlja območje z visoko bivalno kvaliteto. V projektnem delu magistrskega dela je podrobneje obravnavano ožje območje urbane regeneracije Melja ob predvidenem novem mostu preko Drave. Izdelana je idejna zasnova urbanega kareja, ki z umestitvijo treh različnih stavb definira odprto javno površino. Večstanovanjski stavbi omogočata sodobne koncepte bivanja, galerija pa s svojo pojavnostjo in programom vzpostavlja sodobni kulturni center tudi širšega območja. Magistrsko delo izpostavlja potenciale za trajnostno urbano regeneracijo Melja v domeni trajnostnega urbanega razvoja mesta Maribor.


arhitektura;Maribor;Melje;urbana regeneracija;urbanizem;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [G. Markuš]
UDC: 711.16:711.554(043.2)
COBISS: 21785622 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1331
Downloads: 512
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Urban regeneration of Melje
Secondary abstract: The master’s thesis sets the starting points for the urban regeneration of Melje. Once an industrial area in the immediate vicinity of the city centre is an inactive degraded urban area today. The proposal for the urban regeneration of the area of the former Maribor textile factory with mixed use of space, represents the expansion of city functions that contribute to the densification of the urban structure. The location in the immediate vicinity of the Drava River, combined with a green area and with an architecture that meets the criteria of the city and man, establishes an area with high living quality. In the project part of the master's thesis, the narrower area of urban regeneration of Melje is discussed in more detail, along with the planned new bridge over the Drava River. The conceptual design of the urban quarter is drawn up, which, with the placement of three different buildings, defines an open public space. The multi-apartment residential buildings enable modern concepts of living, while the gallery with its appearance and programme, establishes a modern cultural centre of the wider area. The master's thesis highlights the potential for sustainable urban regeneration of Melje in the context of sustainable urban development of the city of Maribor.
Secondary keywords: architecture;Maribor;Melje;urban regeneration;urbanism;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: VIII, 97 str.
ID: 10960652