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Sanja Šinkovec (Author), Valentina Usenik (Mentor)


V Sadjarskem centru Bilje pri Novi Gorici smo leta 2016 izvedli poskus, s katerim smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv različnih podlag in namakanja na pridelek in kakovost plodov češnje (Prunus avium L.). Drevesa sorte 'Regina', cepljena na treh podlagah (Gisela 3, Gisela 5 in Weiroot 72), so bila namakana po potrebi ali glede na napoved ARSO za kraj Bilje. Po obiranju smo izmerili količino pridelka na drevo, maso plodov, barvo plodov ter vsebnost skupnih titracijskih kislin. Največji pridelek so imela drevesa na podlagi Weiroot 72, ki so bila namakana po potrebi. Na ostalih dveh podlagah so bili pridelki za skoraj polovico manjši. Večji pridelek je podlaga Gisela 3 dosegla pri namakanju po ARSO, Gisela 5 pa pri namakanju po potrebi. Največja masa plodov je bila izmerjena na podlagi Gisela 5 pri ARSO namakanju (13,46 g), vendar povprečna masa plodov na podlagah Gisela 3 ter Weiroot 72 ni bila bistveno manjša (11,35-12,64 g). Podlage so različno vplivale na barvo plodov. Plodovi z bujnejših podlag (Weiroot 72 in Gisela 5) so bili ob obiranju glede barve razvrščeni v dva kakovostna razreda (Ctifl 4 in Ctifl 5-6). Pri Gisela 3 so bili vsi plodovi uvrščeni v razred Ctifl 5-6. Na vsebnost kislin je imel vpliv kakovostni razred oz. zrelost plodov. Največ skupnih titracijskih kislin je bilo izmerjeno v plodovih, uvrščenih v razred Ctifl 4 pri podlagah Gisela 5 in Weiroot 72, najmanj pa v plodovih s podlage Gisela 3 (namakanje ARSO), kjer so bili plodovi najbolj zreli.


sadjarstvo;češnja;Prunus avium "Regina";podlaga;namakanje;plod;kakovost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [S. Šinkovec]
UDC: 634.232:631.67:631.559(043.2)
COBISS: 9039993 Link will open in a new window
Views: 789
Downloads: 230
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effect of rootstocks and irrigation on fruit quality of "Regina" sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.)
Secondary abstract: An experiment was conducted in 2016 at Fruit Research Centre in Bilje, Slovenia to determine the impact of different rootstocks and irrigation regimes on the yield and fruit quality of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cv. 'Regina' trees. Trees were grafted on three different rootstocks (Gisela 3, Gisela 5 and Weiroot 72) and two different irrigation regimes were used – irrigation as needed based on the soil's field capacity (FC) and irrigation needs determined by Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) for specific location. After the harvest we measured the weight of the yield per tree, average fruit weight, fruit colour and total titratable acidity (TTA). Trees grafted on Weiroot 72 rootstock that were irrigated by FC had the highest total yield. With the other two rootstocks yields were lower by almost 50 %. Gisela 3 had higher yield when irrigated with quantity determined by ARSO while Gisela 5's yield was higher when irrigated by FC. Gisela 5 trees irrigated by ARSO method had the highest average fruit weight (13,46 g) but the other two rootstocks did not have much lighter fruits (11,35-12,64 g). Rootstocks differently affected fruit colour. Fruits from trees grafted on bigger rootstocks (Weiroot 72 and Gisela 5) were ranked in two classes (Ctifl 4 and Ctifl 5-6) at harvest. All of Gisela 3 fruits were ranked in Ctifl 5-6. Fruit quality i.e. ripeness affected TTA. Fruits from Gisela 5 and Weiroot 72 ranked as Ctifl 4 contained the most TTA while Gisela 3 fruits (irrigation by ARSO) that had the ripest fruits contained the least TTA.
Secondary keywords: fruit growing;sweet cherry;rootstock;irrigation;fruit;quality;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: X, 27 f., [3] f. pril.
ID: 10960825