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Suzana Podvinšek (Author), Robert Brus (Mentor)


Hrast dob (Quercus robur L.) je poleg gradna najbolj razširjena vrsta hrasta tako v Evropi kot v Sloveniji. V Arboretumu Volčji Potok so v preteklosti že večkrat poskusili z njegovim zasajanjem, vendar je bilo preživetje sadik slabo. Jeseni 2015 so iz Italije uvozili in posadili 49 sadik doba, visokih med 4 in 5 m. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali inokulacija z mikoriznimi glivami vpliva na preživetje sadik po enem letu in ali obstajajo razlike v višinski ter debelinski rasti po enem letu med neinokuliranimi in inokuliranimi sadikami. 18 hrastovih sadik je bilo dobavljenih v loncih in 31 s koreninskimi balami. Sadike obeh tipov so posadili ločeno in jih oštevilčili. Naključno smo izbrali 10 sadik v loncih ter 10 sadik s koreninskimi balami in jih po saditvi inokulirali z glivami, prisotnimi v produktu ectovit. Meritve smo izvedli dvakrat; pred rastjo, ko smo merili prsni obseg in višino dreves iz drevesnice, ter po prvi rastni sezoni, ko smo merili prsni obseg dreves in njihov enoletni višinski prirastek. V enem vegetacijskem obdobju so preživele vse sadike, kar pomeni, da vpliva inokulacije z ectovitom na preživetje v tem času ni bilo. Inokulirane sadike po prvem letu niso kazale značilno različnega debelinskega prirastka, višinski prirastek inokuliranih sadik pa je bil v prvem letu značilno manjši od prirastka neinokuliranih sadik.


hrast dob;Quercus robur L.;mikoriza;inokulacija;ectovit;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [S. Podvinšek]
UDC: 630*44:630*17(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 5190054 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1279
Downloads: 405
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of mycorrhizal fungi on survival and growth of oak saplings (Quercus robur L.)
Secondary abstract: Besides Sessile oak, European oak (Quercus robur L.) is the most common oak species in Europe and Slovenia. In Volčji Potok Arboretum, there have been attempts to grow European oak, but the survival rate of saplings was low. In autumn of 2015, forty-nine saplings of European Oak of between 4 and 5 m high were imported from Italy. In our research we wanted to find out/if, after one year, the inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi has any impact on survival of the saplings, and, if there are any differences in height and thickness between noninoculated and inoculated saplings. Eighteen oak saplings were delivered in pots and thirty-one with root bales. Saplings of both types were planted and numbered separately. We chose ten samples that were grown in pots and ten with root bale randomly and inoculated them with fungi present in the product ectovit after planting. Measurements were performed twice: before growth when we measured the circumference and height of the trees and after the first growing season when we measured their circumference and their height after one year of growth. All the samples survived the first growing season, which means there was no impact on the survival rate. Inoculated samples showed no significant larger thickness, but they showed significant smaller height increment after one vegetation period.
Secondary keywords: common oak;Quercus robur L.;mycorisis;inoculation;ectovit;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: VII f., 28 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 10961124