diplomsko delo
Eva Košak (Author), Marina Pintar (Mentor)


Poznavanje vodno zadrževalnih lastnosti tal je pomemben predkorak za strokovno pravilno namakanje. Podatke o vodno zadrževalnih lastnostih tal lahko dobimo z merjenjem po gravimetrični metodi ali s pomočjo modeliranja z različnimi uveljavljenimi modeli. Posebej sta pomembni količini vode pri poljski kapaciteti (PK) in točki venenja (TV). Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti razlike med količino vode pri TV, zmodelirani po različnih modelih in izmerjeni po gravimetrični metodi, na primeru 34 talnih vzorcev, ki smo jih pridobili v sadovnjakih in vinogradih Vipavske doline in ki pripadajo različnim teksturnim razredom. Vodno zadrževalne lastnosti smo ugotavljali s pomočjo naprave HYPROP in pripadajočega programskega orodja HYPROP-FIT. Glede na teksturne razrede smo tla uvrstili v srednje težka, evtrična rjava tla. Osnovni model van Genuchten se je glede na standardni odklon v večini naših primerov (14) izkazal za najbolj primernega, v primerjavi z modeli PDI, Bimodal in PDI Bimodal. Razlika med modelirano TV po različnih modelih je znašala 1,5 – 28,4 vol. %, med modelirano po modelu van Genuchten in zmerjeno po gravimetrični pa - 0,4 do 15,5 vol. %. Velikost razlik med modelirano in merjeno TV se med teksturnimi razredi ni razlikovala. Za strokovno pravilno namakanje je priporočljivo, da se za izračun rastlinam dostopne vode, ki je med PK in TV, upošteva izmerjeno in ne modelirano TV.


tla;vodno zadrževalne lastnosti tal;krivulja vodno zadrževalnih lastnosti;točka venenja;HYPROP;Richardova tlačna posoda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [E. Košak]
UDC: 631.432.27(043.2)
COBISS: 9041529 Link will open in a new window
Views: 910
Downloads: 314
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Difference of soil water retention curves considering the modeled and measured wilting point
Secondary abstract: Knowing the properties of water retention of different types of soils is an important step towards professional irrigation. The water retention properties can be determined with HYPROP device and abiding the gravimetric method in Richards pressure plate apparatus. The wilting point and field capacity are of great importance in the process of determing properties of water retention. The purpose of the study is to determine differences in the values of wilting points modeled with existing water retention curve models and measured with gravimetric method. 34 samples were taken in several apple orchards and vineyards in the valley of Vipava. Texture, procentages of silt, sand and clay and the content of water were determined for each soil sample. Water retention properties were measured with HYPROP device and its software HYPROP-FIT. The results showed that the most soil samples are of texture type silt loam and the least of clay loam, which indicate that the soils samples are from eutric brown soil region. In our research the van Genuchten model, in comparison with other used models and according to the root mean square error, was proven to be the most precise model in 14 cases. The results of differences in wilting point when using pre-existing models stretched from 1.5 – 28.4 vol. %. The differences in modeled wilting point and measured wilting point on the other hand from - 0.4 – 15.5 vol. %. To determine how much to irrigate, it is recommended to consider the measured wilting point, and not the modeled one, which is the result of pre-existing models.
Secondary keywords: soil;water retention properties;water retention curve;wilting point;Richards pressure plate apparatus;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: IX, 23 f., [5] f. pril.
ID: 10961159