diplomsko delo
Teja Voglar (Author), Ines Kožuh (Mentor), Peter Čakš (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo predstavili primerjalno analizo dveh voditeljic televizijskih dnevno- informativnih oddaj. Analizirali smo neverbalno komunikacijo voditeljice oddaje Dnevnik Televizije Slovenije Elen Batista Štader ter voditeljice oddaje 24UR na POP TV Darje Zgonc. Zanimalo nas je, kakšna so stičišča in razlike neverbalne komunikacije med omenjenima voditeljicama. S pomočjo analize mimike, očesnega stika, zunanjega videza, gestikulacije in proksemike smo ugotovili, da voditeljici pri vodenju oddaje uporabljata podobno neverbalno komunikacijo. Obe z obrazno mimiko sledita povedanemu, skoraj neprestano ohranjata očesni stik s kamero, oblečeni sta v elegantna oblačila, premiki rok niso pretirani, premikanja po prostoru pa je zaznati le malo. Pridobljeni rezultati lahko slu ijo raziskovalcem, ki bi jih v prihodnosti zanimal vpliv neverbalne komunikacije voditeljev, ne samo dnevno-informativnih oddaj, temveč tudi oddaj drugih anrov, saj bodo rezultati naše raziskave lahko osnova za raziskovanje neverbalne komunikacije v drugih oddajah.


neverbalna komunikacija;dnevno-informativne oddaje;voditeljice;Dnevnik;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: T. Voglar
UDC: 316.772.2(043.2)
COBISS: 21899030 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1161
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The comparative analysis of nonverbal communication of the daily news program anchor women
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis we presented a comparative analysis of two TV daily news program anchorwomen. We analyzed the nonverbal communication of the anchorwomen of Dnevnik Televizija Slovenije Elen Batista Štader and the anchorwomen of 24UR on POP TV Darja Zgonc. We were interested in what are the junctions and differences in non-verbal communication between the mentioned anchorwomen. Using the analysis of mimics, eye contact, external appearance, gestures and proxemics, we found that the anchorwomen of the daily news use similar non-verbal communication. Both follow their facial expressions with spoken words, they almost always keep their eye contact with the camera, they are dressed in elegant clothes, the movements of the hands are not excessive and little movement is detected around the room. The obtained results can serve researchers, who would in the future be interested in the influence of non-verbal communication of anchors, not only on daily news programs, but also anchors of other genres, as the results of our research can be the basis for exploring non-verbal communication in other programs.
Secondary keywords: nonverbal communication;daily news program;anchorwomen;24UR;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Medijske komunikacije
Pages: VI, 42 f.
ID: 10961520