magistrsko delo
Predmet raziskovanja v magistrski nalogi je pojem kriminologije, kaznovanja, kazenskih sankcij in izvršitev le-teh na podlagi domače zakonodaje ter primerjanje teh pojmov v domačem sistemu, s sistemom ZDA. Pravni sistem Slovenije, ki pripada kontinentalni pravni skupini, se na veliko področjih zelo razlikuje od anglosaškega pravnega sistema, kateremu pripada ZDA – zato je možno pričakovati tudi nekatere razlike v ureditvi kaznovanja oziroma sistema kazenskih sankcij.
Raziskavo začenjam s predstavitvijo zločincev kot oseb, opisujem njihovo razmišljanje ter katere so tiste okoliščine in duševna stanja, ki lahko vodijo storilca do storitve kaznivega dejanja. Na tej točki raziskovanje vodi v razmejitev in razlikovanje med odraslimi in mladoletnimi storilci kaznivih dejanj, kar je predmet obravnavanja tretjega poglavja magistrske naloge. Tako slovenski kot ameriški pravni red imata pravila postopka proti mladoletnim storilcem posebej urejena, zato je tem posebnostim namenjen del raziskave. V četrtem poglavju je predstavljen pojem kaznovanja ter smisel in namen le-tega. Pomembno je, da primerjamo tudi potek kazenskega postopka v Sloveniji in v ZDA. Zaradi že omenjene pripadnosti obravnavanih držav različnim pravnim redom, obstajajo tudi razlike v kazenskem postopku. V nadaljevanju so tako predstavljene posebnosti kazenskega postopka obeh pravnih redov ter glavne razlike in podobnosti med njima. Ko so ti pojmi razjasnjeni, začnemo z obravnavanjem glavnega predmeta raziskovanja v magistrski nalogi, in sicer kaznovanja in kazenskih sankcij. Temu je namenjeno šesto poglavje naloge, kjer je obravnavan tudi organizacijski aspekt sistema organov izvrševanja kazenskih sankcij v Sloveniji. Na koncu je znotraj omenjenega poglavja opredeljena še klasifikacija oziroma skupine in vrste kazenskih sankcij v Sloveniji in v ZDA. Glede na različnost sistema je pričakovana tudi različna opredelitev in razvrstitev kazenskih sankcij po skupinah.
zločin;storilec;kazen;mladoletniki;kazenski postopek;zapor;smrtna kazen;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[K. Donko] |
UDC: |
343.82(497.4)(73)(043.3) |
Views: |
1152 |
Downloads: |
196 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Punishment and criminal sanctions in Slovenia and USA |
Secondary abstract: |
The research subject in the master's thesis is the notion of criminology, punishment, criminal sanctions and executions based on domestic legislation and the comparison of these concepts in the domestic system with the US system. Slovenian legal system, which belongs to the continental legal group, differs in many areas from the Anglo-Saxon legal system to which the United States belongs - therefore it is also possible to expect some differences in the penalty system or criminal sanctions system.
The research starts with introducing the concept of criminals, their way of thinking, and possible circumstances and mental states that can lead the offender to commit a crime. Next, the research leads to the delimitation and the distinction between adult and juvenile offenders, which are evaluated in the third chapter of the master's thesis. Both, the Slovenian and the American legal system have the rules of procedures against juvenile offenders specially regulated, so part of the research is devoted to these particularities.
The fourth chapter presents the concept of penalty and the point and purpose of punishment. It is essential to compare the course of criminal proceedings in Slovenia and the USA. Since these countries belong to different legal systems, there also exist some differences in criminal proceedings. In the next chapter, we present the specifics of the criminal procedure of both legal systems and their main differences and similarities. Once these concepts are clarified, we put the focus on the main subject of the research - punishment and criminal sanctions. That is addressed in the sixth chapter of the master thesis, as well as the organizational aspect of the enforcement authorities system of criminal sanctions in Slovenia. The chapter ends with the classification or groups and types of criminal sanctions in Slovenia and the USA. Given the diversity of the system, a different definition and classification of criminal sanctions by groups is also expected. |
Secondary keywords: |
crime;criminal;punishment;juvenile;system of criminal justice;prison;death penalty; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
53 str. |
ID: |
10961545 |