magistrsko delo
Olga Oven (Author), Boštjan Tratar (Mentor)


Rdeča nit magistrske naloge se navezuje na širok nabor subjektov, ki opravljajo naloge in zadeve javnega pomena v okrožju s tistimi, ki jim je javni red in mir potrebno zagotoviti že po zakonodaji, torej javnosti. Magistrsko delo opredeljuje pristojnosti delovanja občinskih redarjev in policije pri zagotavljanju javnega reda in miru, ter nakazuje ločnice med njima, ki bi jih po mnenju mnogih potrebno odpraviti, saj oba organa delujeta za enak namen, le njune pristojnosti se razlikujejo. Potreba po zagotavljanju varstva javnega reda in miru je danes vse večja in nujna za nemoteno življenje in delo javnosti, ljudi, kjer je potrebno zaščititi posameznika, skupnost in dobrine, kar se je pokazalo kot pomanjkljivost pri delovanju občinskih redarjev. Prav v tem prikazu je tudi namen magistrske naloge. Iz tega razloga je bila v okviru magistrske naloge izvedene raziskava med ljudmi. Dejansko nas je zanimalo mnenje javnosti o tem ali se danes potreba po občinskih redarjih povečuje in ali so ljudje z njihovim delovanjem tudi zadovoljni. Raziskava je pokazala, da so občinski redarji potrebni in da javnost meni, da bi morali pri svojem delu imeti enaka pooblastila kakor policija, kar smo tudi dokazali s potrjevanjem postavljenih hipotez. Medtem, ko se na drugi strani poraja vprašanje ali bi bilo smotrno v delovanje občinskega redarstva tudi vključiti zasebnike, kakor je to že stalna praksa po nekaterih drugih državah, ki smo jih podali za primerjavo. Ugotovili smo, da je mnenje ljudi do javnih uslužbencev, predvsem občinskih redarjev še vedno precej negativno, kar posplošeno izvira iz nezadovoljstva s samo vlado in političnimi odločitvami.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [O. Oven]
UDC: 340.5:351.74(043.2)
COBISS: 2053220534 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The red thread of the master's thesis relates to a wide range of subjects that perform tasks and matters of public importance in a roundabout with those who need public order and peace by legislation, ie the public. The master's degree defines the competence of the Municipal Officers and Police in the functioning of public order and peace, and points out the dividing lines between them, which, according to many, should be eliminated, as both bodies work for the same purpose, only their respective competences differ. The need to ensure the protection of law and order is today increasingly important and necessary for the smooth life and work of the public, people in need of protecting the individual, the community and the goods, which has proven to be a disadvantage in the functioning of municipal officials. For this reason, a research among people was carried out within the framework of the master's thesis. In fact, we were interested in the public's opinion on whether the need for municipal rangers is increasing today and whether people are happy with their work. The survey showed that municipal rallies are necessary and that the public thinks that they should have the same powers in their work as the police, which we have also proved by confirming hypotheses. While the question arises, on the other hand, is the question whether the involvement of private individuals should be included in the functioning of the municipal ranking, as is already the case-law of some other countries that we have made for comparison.
Secondary keywords: Primerjalno pravo;Magistrske naloge;Policija;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VIII, 88 str.
ID: 10961957