magistrsko delo
Ingrid Mačešič (Author), Slobodan Dujić (Mentor)


Državni zbor je leta 2010 sprejel Zakon o uveljavljanju pravic iz javnih sredstev in Zakon o socialnovarstvenih prejemkih, ki sta se začela uporabljati v začetku leta 2012. Zakona sta dodobra posegla v zakonodajo, ki je do tedaj urejala socialne pa tudi družinske transferje in subvencije ter sta v sistem pravic, ki se zagotavljajo iz javnih sredstev, prinesla pomembne spremembe. Zakonodajalec je s sprejetjem nove socialne zakonodaje želel doseči večjo racionalizacijo in večjo preglednost proračunskih odhodkov pri dodeljevanju socialnih prejemkov, in sicer s sprejetjem določenih vsebinskih in sistemskih novosti, kot so na primer uvedba enotne vstopne točke, vrstni red uveljavljanja pravic, dostop do uradnih zbirk podatkov o dohodkih in premoženju oseb itd. V postopku uveljavljanja pravic je vse manj neposrednega socialnega dela, več pa je ukvarjanja s podatki o materialnem stanju vlagatelja in njegove družine. V času nastajanja moje magistrske naloge je vlada s predlaganimi spremembami in dopolnitvami zakona želela spremeniti in dopolniti oziroma popraviti tiste glavne pomanjkljivosti oziroma zaznane težave, ki so se od začetka uporabe zakona pokazale kot tiste, ki narekujejo spremembe. S tem pa želi izboljšati socialni položaj najbolj socialno ogroženih skupin prebivalstva, predvsem enostarševskih in velikih družin ter upoštevati bolj realen gmotni položaj vlagateljev.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [I. Mačešić]
UDC: 35.076(043.2)
COBISS: 2053231286 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the year 2010 the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia approved Exercise of Rights to Public Funds Act and Financial Social Assistance Act, which came into force at the beginning of the year 2012. The two acts thoroughly interfered with the law which had by then dealt with social as well as family transfers and subsidies. What is more, they introduced important changes into the system of human rights provided by public funds. By enacting a new social law the legislator wanted to improve the efficiency and make the record of expenses on supplementary benefits more manageable. This was achieved by finding some contents and system solutions, such as a unified point of entry and wait list of the applicants, the access to an official list of data referring to the income and wealth of an individual, etc. The process of asserting rights has less and less to do with social work as such. It deals more with the data referring to the financial situation of applicants and their families. While I was writing my master's degree thesis, the government proposed changes and supplemented the act in order to change or eliminate the main drawbacks and problems, which had been noticed from the moment the act came into force. The aim of the government was to improve the social status of the most underprivileged population groups, especially single-parent families and large families, and to consider a more realistic financial situation of the applicants.
Secondary keywords: Center za socialno delo;Magistrske naloge;Javna pooblastila;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VIII, 135 str.
ID: 10961964