diplomsko delo
Tadej Malus (Author), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


Z diplomsko nalogo Nakup nepremičnine,obremenjene s hipoteko, nameravam v uvodnem delu pojasniti pojem nepremičnine in njenih značilnosti po Stvarno pravnem zakoniku ter navesti komentarje razlage nepremičnin nekaterih avtorjev. Pri nakupu nepremičnine,obremenjene s hipoteko, zaradi neustreznih pojasnil obstaja večja verjetnost odstopa od nakupa takšne nepremičnine, npr. stanovanja, hiše..., saj večina kupcev kupuje le nepremičnine, ki so vpisane v Zemljiško knjigo brez hipoteke. Hipoteka pa je le način zavarovanja sredstev, ki jih je banka posodila svoji stranki. Stvarno pravni zakonik definira hipoteko kot zastavno pravico na nepremičninah, ki predstavlja pravico zastavnega upnika, da se zaradi neplačila zavarovane terjatve ob njeni zapadlosti poplača skupaj z obrestmi in stroški iz vrednosti zastavljenega predmeta pred vsemi drugimi upniki zastavitelja. Ker obstajajo različne vrste hipotek, je smiselno poznati razlike in pogoje za nastanek hipoteke na podlagi pravnega posla, hipoteke na osnovi sodne odločbe in hipoteke na podlagi zakona. V nadaljevanju se bom usmeril v raziskavo pogodbene hipoteke, ki nastane z vpisom v zemljiško knjigo. Obravnaval bom primer nakupa nepremičnine, na kateri je vknjižena hipoteka kot oblika zavarovanja kredita. Vsebina oglasa, sposobnost predstavitve aktualnosti nepremičnine, objektivnost predstavitve prodaje, zaporedje dogodkov, doslednost in zaupljivost so izjemno pomembni elementi pravnega posla. Če kupcu nepremičnino, ki mu sicer odgovarja, a je obremenjena s hipoteko, pravilno predstavimo, se bo z veliko verjetnostjo odločil za nakup. V nadaljevanju bom predstavil bistvene sestavine prodajne pogodbe. V tem primeru je poleg ostalih sestavin pogodbe pomembno dopolnilo tudi člen, v katerem je opredeljen način plačila kupnine. Natančno mora biti opredeljeno, kolikšen del kupnine bo kupec nakazal banki za poplačilo hipoteke in kolikšen del prodajalcu. Prodajna pogodba mora vsebovati bistvene elemente, kot so ara, morebitna vrnitev are, plačilo davka na promet nepremičnin, izdaja pobotnice s strani banke, izbris vpisane hipoteke iz zemljiške knjige, plačilo preostalega dela kupnine ter vpis lastninske pravice v zemljiško knjigo na novega lastnika


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [T. Malus]
UDC: 332.27
COBISS: 2053233334 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this thesis I intend to explain what the real estate is and what are the characteristics it has. To realize this, I will be using the Property Code of the Republic of Slovenia. When purchasing a propertythatis mortgaged, it is more likely that a client will withdraw from buying such a property due to the incorrect explanations regarding to a mortgage. In most cases clients are buying properties such as houses, apartments, condominiums... that are not burdened with mortgages. However a mortgage is actually an insurance of the funds that were lent by a bank to a bank customer. The Property Code of the Republic of Slovenia defines a mortgage as a lien on a property. The pledgee has the rightof selling the property if the pledgor fails to make payment at the stipulated time. Because there are several types of mortgages it makes sense to know differences and conditions for a formation of a mortgage on the basis of a legal transaction, a mortgage on the basis of a court decision and a mortgage on the basis of law. Below I will focus on the study of a contractual mortgage that results with the entry in the Land Registry. I will discuss the case of buying a real estate that is mortgaged. Some of very important factors in business especially when selling and or buying a property are content in the ad, presentation of the actuality of the real estate, objectivity, the sequence of events, consistency and trusting. If we present a real estate that is mortgaged to a potential buyer correctly and consistently then we might expect that a mortgage will not have an influence to a buyer's will. I will also present the most important components of the sales contract. One of this components is certainly the article which defines the purchase price and the whole process of purchasing a property. It must be precisely specified what portion of the purchase price will be indicated to the bank to reply the mortgage and what portion of the price will be transferred to a seller. A contract of sale must contain the following elements such as deposit, the possible return of the deposit, tax on the real estate transactions, deletion of a mortgage from the Land Registry, payment of the remaining portion of the purchase priceand registration of the property right in the Land Registry by the new owner.
Secondary keywords: Promet z nepremičninami;Diplomske naloge;Obremenjenost;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VII, 61 str.
ID: 10961973